3 Quick Tips To Consider Before Ordering Your Storefront Signs

Want 3 quick tips to consider before ordering your storefront signs?


Storefront signs in shopping center

Using a good contrasting sign letter color makes your storefront business name POP

Are you currently looking for a retail location to lease?

Maybe you’re going to open up to a smoothie store or you may be expanding an existing business.

And you have driven the local valley, and you have discovered a few ideal locations.

Locations with great visibility, and high traffic counts, and plenty of nearby residential dwellings.

But you’re not sure which location will be better suited for your business. After all, the locations you discovered all makes sense.

So how are you going to pick one?

Well, one way to make your choice a lot easier is to maybe consider the use of these three storefront sign tips…

Storefront sign tip number 1

You know your available storefront locations all offer great visibility to nearby traffic. But you may not be sure what the local jurisdictional sign codes are for each of the locations you have in mind.

After all, what good is a great location if you’re unable to place a big enough business sign on your storefront for all to see?

So to make this easy for you, tip number one is to take a look at the retail storefront signs which is already located in the centers which you’re considering leasing in.

Then simply ask yourself if those existing sign letters are big enough to read. Or do you have to squint?

If the letters are big enough to see and read at one of the locations which you’re considering to lease, but the storefront letters at another location are smaller and harder to read… then the location with the bigger signage may help make your choice a lot easier.

After all the bigger the sign, the better.

Which takes us to tip number two.

Storefront sign tip number two.

Let’s assume the locations you are looking at appear to have similar sign sizes -do this.

Make sure your sign lettering or name or logo will be in contrast with the considered storefronts facade.

For example, take a look at the photo on this release. Go ahead and look right now. But only look for 3 seconds.

Now when you looked at the photo above was there a particular storefront business name which stood out to you?

And if it did… are you able to recall the name of the business right now?

What about all those other retail store front signs which are in the photo. Is there a reason those names didn’t jump right out at you?

Are they hard to see and read?

But if you look closely, the letter heights on the storefront names, which you probably didn’t see, are actually bigger than the one business name you easily spotted.

So why is that?

Well, even though the color red is a great color to use on a sign face it sure doesn’t work in this example, now does it?

Now why is that?

When you look at the photo you’ll notice there’s not that great of a contrast between a red lettering and the storefronts facade.

However the white pan channel store front letters ‘POP’ very easily. Thus this particular business is being noticed and noticed quickly.

Now, the locations which you’re considering probably have different facades. Some maybe brick, and some may be stucco, and some may being wood…

Which means it you want red lettering and one of the locations has white wooden facades than your sign letters will surly ‘POP’.

But if another location has a reddish brick façade, then there will be no ‘pop’.

Because what goods a bigger sign if there’s no contrast between your sign lettering and the building facade. Who will even read or see it?

So tip two is to consider the contrast.

Which leads us to tip number three.

Storefront sign tip number three.

If you’re like most of us the last thing we remember to do when leasing new retail space is to order our signage.

Which means we’ve signed the lease. We’re all gung-ho. And we just want to move in and open up shop.

But if we signed our lease too early… we may be in shock when we go to order our custom storefront sign letters.

And here’s why.

Some property owners get all snooty and decide they want to have total control over the signage that goes onto their building.

Which means, even though the local jurisdictional sign codes will allow you to put-up your ideal sign, a snooty owner may restricts what type of signs go on their building.  And suddenly your ideal sign is not allowed anymore? Say what?

That’s right. You see the property owner has elected to specify what sign types are allowable in the (your) lease.

Which means some property owners may specify you’ll only be allowed to use pan channel letters or reverse lit pan channel or certain colors, and all of it.

So if you’re expanding a retail chain store with a branded logo or lettering or you want to use your logo color(s) on the sign letters and add a logo sign cabinet… you may be in for a shocking surprise!

So tip number three is to review the lease and look for special sign restrictions which the property owner may have in place.

Because if all things are equal among the locations you are considering to lease, then a restrictive sign requirement -buried somewhere inside your lease contract, may make your choice of locations rather easy.

And even though many locals sign codes allow for temporary vinyl banners and storefront window graphics, a property owner may not even allow these types of signs -either.

And that my friend is three good tips from a sign perspective. Tips you may want to consider before leasing retail property space.

Ideally you want a great location, but who doesn’t want their sign to stand out like the white lettered sign in the photo on this release.

And if you want some expert advice or it’s time to order a storefront retail sign for your new business, then contact Signs West of Las Vegas today.

We’ll take the guesswork out of the equation. Which means we’ll design your sign as it will appear on the storefront façade before it’s even made.

And we’ll be able to adjust the contrast of your sign lettering color(s) so you’ll know ahead of time that your business name will ‘POP’ and be easily readable to nearby foot and roadway traffic.

Plus who knows, we may even save you from a snooty property owner.

Until next month, may these three sign tips be helpful.

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