May You Enjoy A Grilling And Chillin Labor Day Holiday With Family And Friends

Labor Day BBQ grilling

Sign West Outdoor of Las Vegas wishes you a relaxing Labor Day weekend.

Wishing you a grilling and chillin Labor Day Holiday with family and friends.

Are you wondering where the Summer went? Does it seem like it was just Spring?

If so, you’re not alone. This Summer seemed to fly by. And that’s okay. After-all, at a 100 to 115 degree plus-days, who doesn’t welcome the cooling temperatures of a waning Summer turning to Fall.

But, the best part of closing out another Summer is Labor Day weekend. A reminder to all the hard working men and women that you’re dedication and drive is appreciated.

And to the loyal customers and clients, who present the daily challenges… You allow us to get busy in the sweltering heat of the Las Vegas valley, and this makes Labor Day mean so much more, to all of us.

And to all the suppliers and vendors who mix custom color paints -on a dime. Heat bend acrylic, and pull your hair-out when raw materials are needed same day… you make us look good!

So, we wish to thank you, because we’ll be grillin and chillin with family, friends and co-workers this weekend.

And, you may be assured, we’ll be telling good stories as the burgers flip, and the hot dogs sizzle, and… Some stories will start with “Can you believe…” or “What was it like being up that high in the air…”.

But, the best story will probably be about the mysterious case of the non-sticky wall graphic -from over the Summer. And you guessed it, will be a “Can you believe…” kind of story which will be surrounded by smiles and laughter. Because there was this 4′ section of a 120′ lined wall which simply would not hold the self-adhesive? When the other 116′ did?

Yet, the best stories will be about celebrating Labor Day. A day where we all come together to enjoy each others company, and REST on full stomachs.

So, in this Months release, there are no cool tips or advice or highlights of new product features or ideas… It’s simply a short post.  A way of sharing we’re grateful for your business. And we will be celebrating such this weekend.

With that shared… “We wish you a grillin and chillin kind of Holiday weekend, ahead”.

Until next Month, may you stuff your tummies with yummies.

And yes, we’ll be pulling a half a day this Friday the 31st and we will be off Sept 1st through the 3rd. Returning Tuesday the 4th.

Sure, if we had our say, we would make Labor Day a two day Holiday. And we’re positive many of you would agree. The weekend plus 2, right? 4 days off in a row. Plus pay.

Have a great Holiday weekend.

“Laddies and Gentlemen, Start your grills”.

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