How Are Brick and Mortar Businesses Attracting More Consumer Attention?

Have you ever wondered how some brick and mortar businesses are attracting more consumer attention?

Trendy new pastle color full coverage store front window film perfs

These full length pastel like colors which cover 100 percent of these store front windows are an attractive (trendy) way for all types Businesses to capture more attention.

Do you operate a brick and mortar business?

Are you looking for an easier way to attract more attention to your store front?

Want consumers to get what you do?

Hi all it’s Larry again with some more goodie sign ideas just for you.

This Month we will show you what some brick and mortars are doing to:

  • Increase foot traffic into their store fronts
  • Gain more consumer attention
  • Attract more business
  • Make more sales

If you think about it, most brick and mortar store fronts and business simply open up shop.

These businesses typically sign a lease or build their own building.

When doing so, most businesses will hire a Sign Co to design their store front or business sign(s).

However these business signs are going to be limited to local jurisdictional codes as to overall size, shapes and requirements.

Bummer, huh?

So unless you are a well known brand where your sign is going to be well recognized…

You are going to want to let consumers know what it is you do or what services you provide, right?

Because most small businesses like Mom and Pops may not have a well recognized name or brand quite yet.

So what do we recommend?

Now-a-days small business, brick and mortars or Mom and Pops have the opportunity to utilize their store front windows as marquees.

Like the photo in this post above.

Do you see how attractive this type of full coverage window film perf is?

Notice how you will be able to get more of your message across to consumers?

The best part is the above window film perf is printed using new pastel colors.

Pastels are now becoming trendy.

We know when something is trendy it tends to get noticed more.

Not only is the window print color trendy however the full coverage window prints include some nice high resolution printed photo imagery.

The photos tie into what the business does.

Photos make it clearer to a consumer what is going on here.

Thus it’s more then just a store front sign to code (which tend to be a lot smaller.)

It’s a full blown advertisement showcasing what your business does!

Yes, it’s true a picture is worth a 1000 words.

So next time you want to:

  • Captivate attention
  • Make it clear what you sell
  • What business your in
  • The services you provide

Then go for full coverage window film perf on your business or store front today.

Make it easy for a consumer to quickly know what it is you do if you’re not a well known brand.

Then mix in some pastel colors to really attract attention and enjoy the added exposure today.

If you want to dress up your storefront or business windows today then contact us at of Las Veags now.

We will be happy to help you look good.

We will enjoy helping you attract the customers you want to reach.

You will know first hand the answer to “how are brick and mortar businesses attracting more consumer attention?”

Show the consumer what you do visually and they will respond.

Until next Month.

Get trendy today.

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