Are You Winning New Customers with Store Front Window Film?

Store Front Window Film Full Color

Fantastic example of how to attract attention and win new customers. This store front door stands out among all other non-window film stores in the center!

Are you winning new customers and making use of valuable store front window ad space?

Did you know this salon is attracting more customers because they stand out more.

The window film graphics in this photo on the left allow the salon to be more visible.

Imagine getting your message across faster to potential customers who are driving or walking by your store front.

Attracting your new prospect who are in a hurry these days.

Many of whom are looking down at their phones and mobile devices like zombies in a trance.

However as your potential customers pass by your store front they will tend to notice a colorful window or door graphic films from the side of their eyes.

It’s hard not to miss.

Your window graphics have a funny way of just standing out.

Even if you just get noticed for an extra couple of seconds you may find…

Many of your target market customers strolling by will stop and think “Oh I didn’t know a salon was here?”(insert “dah” here, pause, Ok just having fun).

Why? Because more often then not most businesses in a large commercial center or malls will place their main branding or Company ID signage above their entry doors.

Now do you think a modern day zombie will be looking up?

Hardly right?

You see most of the time a businesses store front ID signage is up and out of view from the potential customers who are on foot.

Once a prospect begins strolling along the walkways or sidewalks they can no longer see the signs which are now out of view.

Unless they look up, right?

Thus when you begin adding colorful graphics on your store front windows and doors those strolling by will tend to notice you a lot more often.

It’s a similar to the big box retailers who are adding stunning scenery in their store front windows every season.

Scenes of this summers new lines or styles eye-pop in their store front windows.

Your not reinventing the wheel here you are just doing what is proven to work by the big boys with huge budgets.

Their customers may think “Oh wow what a cool jacket” and make an immediate choice to walk into the retailer to view those jackets.

Thus when your a smaller business and want to gain a similar advantage you simply make use of your store front windows and doors.

Order and add some sensational full color window and door graphic films to your store front and start standing out like a sore thumb.

You will gain a similar result.

You see, the end game of being noticed more often then not is always in play unless your running from the law (pun).

Think about the results.

Imagine if you are one of the only store fronts among 12 to 15 along a walkway who has vibrant window films advertising your:

  • Brand
  • Products
  • Services
  • Specials
  • Promotions

Who do you think gets the extra customer to come pay a visit?

Who do you think will recall “Oh hey the salon is right down the street” next time a new customer wants a hair cut or relaxing salon treatment?

Exactly. You because in a busy world people will recall and remember your business when they want or desire your product or service.

Like in the above photo of the colorful store front entry-way door window graphic films.

You to may begin winning more often then not.

It’s time you start attracting more customers?

By advertising or creating amazing looking visuals on your valuable store front windows and doors today.

When you want to get an edge and stand out in the crowd then start dressing up your store front and entry-way doors with head turning full color graphics now.

Ole Larry or one of our many experts here will be happy to present a quote and get the job done right.

Or you may always contact your local sign company or just contact Signs West Outdoor today.

We will help you start winning more new customers with colorful store front window graphic films right now.

Until next Month.

May new customers and zombies alike being strolling into your store front doors.

In the mean time ole Larry here is heading this salon for a hair cut.

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