At Last A Simple Business Sign Idea That Can Save Your New Customers Time And Struggle

At last a simple business sign idea that can save your new customers time and struggle and even save you money

Close Up View New Acrylic Directional Arrow Sign Idea on Building

Who doesn’t want to make it easy for customers to instantly know where your located in a crowded commercial center?

Have you ever set out to visit a new business only to arrive at their address and then struggled to find their location within a crowded commercial center?

After all some business centers can have up to 30 even 40 different companies leasing office space at one location, if not more.

Heck, that one commercial center, down off South Valley View road, here in Las Vegas… has over 200 plus businesses located in just one center. Think about that madness?

And like the old saying says when you are looking for a space to lease or build it’s all about “location, location, locations” right?

For example did you know convenience stores and gas stations will look for pads or properties that are located just passed local roadway traffic lights?

This makes it easy for customers to get the goods and to drive in and out quicker.

New Customers Love This

And it’s no different than commercial centers… even office complexes. New customers want to get in and find you quickly. Right?

So, let’s assume you find a great location in a commercial center or office complex. However you notice that all the good spaces are already leased?

Because those good office or business spaces are highly visible and can be quickly spotted from nearby streets or by patrons driving in for a place to park.

So what are you going to do? After all, this awesome location you spotted is close to your home. It provides easy access from a nearby beltway…

And based upon your research you know your ideal customers are located within a 5 mile radius of the office space you want to lease.

And you want to set up or expand your business at this perfect location.

Even though you already know that easy to spot and highly visible office space, facing traffic, are leased up… you quickly notice an ideal rent-able space is available on the side of this commercial center and it’s ready to lease.

Your Keen Eye Notices Something Everyone Else Missed

And your keen eye notices that the side of this open space is facing the main roadway even though the office space is somewhat hidden from normal view.

But you find out that you may add a portion of your allowable (to code) business signage on the side of the building. Yes, the side that is facing the street.

Then suddenly, you have a great sign idea. Since your main entry doors will be hidden on the side… you still want your new customers to find you easily. So you have a light-bulb moment… Why not put the name of your business on the side facing the street and simply add a directional arrow?

How ingenious is that?

And Your Saving Money

So you quickly lease the space. You feel good.  After all, those businesses facing the highly visible main roadway are paying close to 30% more per square foot in rent than you are.

Even though your location is hidden on the side where the rent is less… it’s where you want to be. Plus you’re close to home. Now how great is that?

And as a bonus, being on the hidden side of the commercial center, means a lot less congestion. Your customers can easily find a parking spot without all the fuss.

All because you came up with a great new sign idea to add an acrylic cutout directional arrow next to your acrylic sign letters that present the name of your business on the building facia that’s facing the bustling street.

And you tend to stand out more because the acrylic cutout directional arrow grabs more attention because it’s a new idea. Plus you just don’t see this type of sign idea in use on other business centers across the Valley, right?

Like in the close up photo, on this release, notice how easy that directional arrow is quickly understood.

Where a new customer or even a potential customer can easily spot your acrylic sign letters that identifies the name of your business on the building and the cutout directional arrow simply shows them the way.

Easy To Read In a Jiff

Acrylic Sign Letters on Commercial Building With Direction Arrow

When busy customers want to find you fast then why not add simple acrylic sign letters with a cut out directional arrow?

Take a look at the other (far-away) photo on this release and ask yourself… is this business signage easy to read and understand? Do you think you will struggle trying to locate this business or will that new cutout acrylic directional arrow make it easy for you to know where this business is located within this center?

Plus another benefit is that cut out acrylic business name lettering is in simple block text. Which makes it much easier to read. What do you think?

After all it’s not all convoluted with different colors, hard to read text or Logos that take up too much space and become hard to read.

Nope, it’s just simple black block text on a light background. Does it get much better?

So next time you’re looking for an ideal location and you notice that all the lease-able space that is highly visible to traffic is already occupied…Why not take a look and see if there is a hidden spot or side that’s facing the street?

A location where you can add your business name and a cutout directional arrow on the corner of the building wall on the center or complex that will direct traffic around the side to your entry doors.

You Get The Best Of Both Worlds

Why not get the both of best worlds, so to speak…?

Save money on rent at the same time enjoy a highly visible signage.

So, if you’re looking for some great new sign ideas or simple flat cut acrylic sign letters for your business then contact Signs West Outdoor of Las Vegas today.

Even if you have great visibility, sometimes a sign expert can help you maximize the readability and attractiveness of your building signage.

As a rule of thumb, even if you have a design that you believe will be a great idea for your signage… it never hurts to ask your sign expert to come up with a design that benefits you the most.

After all why not test them? See if they have what it takes to capture more attention with a captivating crisp sign design that makes it easy for your new customers to find you.

So next time you’re looking for acrylics sign letters and sign ideas give Signs West Outdoor of Las Vegas a call today or use the easy get quote button now.

Until next month may your new customers find you easily without all the fuss.

And go ahead and leave a comment below and share what you think about that cutout directional arrow.

Enjoy the memorial three day weekend ahead.

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