Because Horse Trailers Require Parking Lot Informational Signs Too

Onsite parking lot informational sign

Who would of thought that horse trailers require parking lot informational signs too?

Well, believe it or not, they do.

Because without horse trailer informational parking signs, at the entry to an equestrian lot, one may expect one heck of a traffic jam.

Or would the term better be defined as a “trailer jam.”

Imagine you’re a horse owner.

You’re heading out for a gallop on one of Southern Nevada’s local dedicated horse trails.

And it just so happens other riders are heading to the same trail as you.

Now imagine, as you arrive at the designated parking lot, to park your horse trailer and there are no parking lot informational signs present (like the parking lot sign in the photo above on this post.)

Do you think there will be a potential for trailer-jams to occur if you arrive to this lot while others are arriving too?

Where you’re not only being jammed up while entering the parking lot… but even worse, when you’re ready to leave.

Heck, imagine if you arrived early, when there was no traffic, to enjoy a strolling sunrise ride.

When you arrived the lot was near empty.

You had your pick of spots to park.-in.

However, when you finished your ride, the lot is now jammed packed.

And to your dismay, you find that your trailer is wedged-in.

Suddenly, you realize you’re unable to exit the lot.

There is not enough room for you to maneuver your 16 foot or even a 20 foot long trailer around all the other half-cranked-in parked horse trailers.

Your boxed-in.

No fun, right?

This is why even horse trailer parking lot informational signs are vital.

Maybe 10 x more important than typical parking lot ID signs.

After all, horse trailers are long and are usually pulled by a trucks which makes them extra hard to maneuver in tight spaces.

Therefore, horse trailer parking lot informational signs are ideal.

As you may see from the parking lot sign photo in this post above… the sign shows the horse trailer drivers the direction of where to drive and park so all other drivers have easy access too.

And thus, no trailer jams.

Imagine if this sign was at posted at the horse trailer lot as mentioned above.

You would be in and out with ease.

But the best part about this type of parking lot informational sign is…

This sign is manufactured and produced from .125 inch thick aluminum.

Not the cheaper .80 aluminum which bends easier.

It’s produced from highway traffic grade aluminum.

Which means it’s rigid.

And will stand up to the test of time.

Especially if you’re off the beaten path, out in the boonies, where most horse trails are located.

Thus standing up to the harsh Vegas sun and extreme heat makes it a wonderful type of sign because it requires little maintenance.

Plus, if you notice, the background is white with a dark text.

And the lot layout for traffic flow showcases easy to follow arrows.

Why is this important?

Well, this type of light background with dark imagery and text is proven to be the easiest to read and understand.

Which means, less trailer jams as people are entering the lot.

Drivers are able to see and understand the traffic flow patterns and where the dedicated parking areas are -rather quickly.

And if you’re unaware, this sign is installed with breakaway post.

Which means, if some one accidentally plows into the sign or backs up in it the post then the sign is designed to snap away.

This snap away feature allows for a quick fix of the sign if it were to be hit.

The same with all types of highway signs.

New sign-post are added and all is good.

Plus, the truck or trailer which hit the sign will have minimal damage too.

So if you ever have request for an odd type of parking lot informational sign or signage,  then constant Signs West Outdoor.

Get highway grade parking lot informational signs today.

As for the graphics, imagery, and text?

Piece of cake.


Because your parking lot informational sign text and imagery will be UV flatbed printed direct to the aluminum face.

Which means, you’re not limited to the design or layout of the sign face.

Now-a-days, you may print whatever is designed directly onto the sign face, without restrictions.

Plus the UV ink is designed to hold up to massive direct sunlight.

And if you’re really looking for a set and forget this type of parking lot informational sign… then ask for your sign face to be over-lam protected.

Where an additional UV clear protective layer is laminated over the aluminum sign face to ensure a maximium useful life.

Contact Signs West Outdoor today.

Or call (702) 879-8250 now.

Get a horse trailer parking lot informational sign which solves trailer-jam bottleneck problems or any other type of parking lot sign today.

Call now.

Until next months release, may your ride be stress free.

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