Category Archives: Signs West Outdoor News and Information

What Do Las Vegas Residents Unanimously Agree On?

If you had one guess… what do you think all Las Vegas residents would unanimously agree on? Well, if you guessed more covered parking spaces then you are correct. Look, we all know that summer is fast approaching. And with summer comes the heat. Heat so hot that the soles of your shoes may begin…

The Bigger The Outdoor Pole Signs The Better

Who says the bigger your outdoor pole signs -the better Have you ever heard the old saying that “bigger is better?” Well, when it comes to outdoor pole signs, this is a true statement. For example… have you ever been driving down the street looking for a local business and you just couldn’t seem to…

What Are The Top 3 Benefits For Using Blade Signs?

The top 3 benefits for using blade can be summed up as follows… With the popularity of factory outlet stores and strolling street malls being on the rise, there has been an ever increasing demand for blade signs. And if you’re wondering what a blade sign is, then take a gander at the photo on…

Wishing You And Yours A Happy And Safe Holiday Season

Wonderful wishes for this holiday season. As another year comes to a close, the staff and crew at Signs West Outdoor of Las Vegas wish you and yours a happy and safe holiday season, filled with jubilant joy. We thank you, the customer and client, for your continued support… You give us the gift of…

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving… As the fall months cool, and winter settles in, you may suddenly realize the Holiday season is upon us all, once again. A time for thanks, family, and a little rest, wouldn’t you say? It’s why Thanksgiving can be a wonderful day for us all. But on this day, we’re especially thankful to…

Do You Think This Large Banner Can Be Seen From The International Space Station?

Asking you if you think this large rooftop banner can be seen from the international space station may be a bit farfetched. However, this large vinyl banner you see installed on this airline carriers roof top, depicted in the photo on this release, can surely be seen by over 48,000,000 potential travelers who are arriving…

Use This Trick To Ensure Your Choosing The Right Sign Company

Use this trick below to ensure your choosing the right sign company for your job. Are you new to the area? Are you opening up a business or looking for new signage or large banners, even a vehicle wrap? And you’re not really sure which local sign company you’re going place your order with? Heck,…

May You Enjoy A Grilling And Chillin Labor Day Holiday With Family And Friends

Wishing you a grilling and chillin Labor Day Holiday with family and friends. Are you wondering where the Summer went? Does it seem like it was just Spring? If so, you’re not alone. This Summer seemed to fly by. And that’s okay. After-all, at a 100 to 115 degree plus-days, who doesn’t welcome the cooling…

How To Make Your Interior Office Sign Look Better

Want to make your main interior office sign look better? Let’s face it, your interior office sign is what a visitor sees right away, when they are entering your place of business. And this sign is reassuring them that they are in the right office space or location. Because your main interior office sign is…

At Last A Simple Business Sign Idea That Can Save Your New Customers Time And Struggle

At last a simple business sign idea that can save your new customers time and struggle and even save you money Have you ever set out to visit a new business only to arrive at their address and then struggled to find their location within a crowded commercial center? After all some business centers can…