Do You Know Why Using a Keyline Will Get Your Store Front Signs Noticed More Often?

Do You Know Why Using a Keyline Will Get Your Store Front Signs Noticed More Often?


Notice how this Store Front Restaurant Sign using key-lines stands out and is easy to notice

Hi Larry here with this Months useful news regarding signs.

The purpose here to enlighten retail and commercial space store owners on “how to get noticed” more often.

You see, it’s simple, if your store front or restaurant sign is more noticeable you will naturally attract more attention. Don’t you agree?

And as the theory goes, if your attract more attention, then by all means you attract more potential customers.

But you would be surprised at how many small business owners and restaurateurs do not get this or better stated, maybe their sign company expert is not really an expert after all?

Why? Well, it goes without saying, or saying, for many decades a new customer would call or make contact.

Most of the time, they already had an idea of what they wanted. Some stubborn and some open minded.

The customer would share or start by stating something like this: ” I’m opening a new store front and I need a sign “.

OK, that is fair enough. But they go on and share ” and I want to place this blue text on a red background “.

Yes, it’s true, in my mind I’m thinking something like “egad ” or ” you can’t be serious ” but the customer is all excited and continues on.

I mean, after all he or she has a new wonderful business idea and they are presenting it to the public and masses.

The surprising point to note here is, the customer is rather smart, has a great idea and will most likely succeed rather well.

So back to my story.

By the customer sharing they want blue text on a red background continue to conjured up those thoughts of ” you can’t be serious “.

As this example or story goes, most customers tend to be masters of what they do and not so much masters when it boils down to signage. (No pun intended.)

After all, ole Larry here is able to provide expert store front sign ideas but as sure as the sky is blue, could not cook up a delicious dish of my favorite food.

You see the point.

So, a long story short, most customers with an open mind who share they want blue on red listen carefully when told that blue on red will not be ideal.

The colors offer no contrast and will vibrate and be muddy.

They will be unreadable and will not be visible at all.

Which only leads one solution, the colors on the sign will need a favorable contrast in order for the store front signage to be readability and visible.

However, since the customer shares ” but wait, these are my colors, everything we have is this color red and blue “.

Then so be it, how?

What? You just shared blue on red will not work?

It’s OK, we simply explain to the customer we will make use of a keyline and all will be OK.

” A keyline they ask, what the heck is a keyline? ”

We share, you see, a keyline is a simple effect that creates a boundary that separates otherwise contrasting colors.

Which means in order for the store front or restaurant sign to become easy to read. (when using blue on red.) We add a keyline to separate the blue from ever touching the red. (Makes sense, right?)

The keyline allows the store front sign to pop, it allows for the human mind to see it and understand it almost immediately.

Take a gander at this great example which showcases the use of a keyline in the above photo.

See how the “white keyline” separates the colors, see the message, the text and how easy it is to read?

A keyline maybe any color. It’s sole purpose is to make the sign easy to read.

To separate meanings and concepts. To allow for faster processing by a prospective customer.

Take a look. I’m 100% confident you saw the photo and instantly knew without any doubt what restaurant this was.

I’m sure it required little effort, if any, for your mind to “get it” so to speak.

Thus, using keylines on signs is another essential element to getting noticed.

To stand out. To be seen by all potential diners or customers.

So next time you have contrasting colors, brand color combinations and logo elements that you want to add to your new sign.

Please consider using keylines to break up the meanings. You will be glad you did.

Or better yet, contact Signs West Outdoor of Las Vegas today and speak with a sign expert.

Why? Because sign companies know, or better stated, professional sign companies with years or decades of service knows how to provide you with the best and most appealing sign solution around.

The moral, over the years ole Larry here has had a few stubborn customers.

They would rant and rave and stick to their beliefs of placing blue text directly on a red background without using a keyline to separate the meaning.

They would get their blue on red, they would not get noticed and usually after 3 months they wondered why they didn’t attract any customers or enough customers to keep the lights on.

Usually ole Larry here would say from the git go “were not interested” because when we use to say OK, will do, the customer always came back and said ” Yea, you were right, we should have listened to you”.

So now you know why using a simple keyline will get you noticed and noticed more often.

If you have any doubt? Look another look at the above photo again.

That’s a great use of a keyline and a great place to chow down!

Until next month, may you get noticed more often.

If you want great advice? Then contact Signs West Outdoor of Las Vegas today.

I’m gonna go chow now.

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