As another year draws to a welcoming close…
The staff and team of Signs West Outdoor wish you and yours a happy holiday season.
And a wonderful, awaiting, new year.
And too make it a little more special, we chose a snowman greeting graphic this year to add more meaning to the season.
After all, it doesn’t snow much here -in Las Vegas.
So may it be a merry sight.
Sure, things were a bit off this year.
But who didn’t do their best to pull through. To help a friend. To help a stranger. To help each other. To create a stronger bond.
And maybe like you… many Monday morning water cooler moments were put on hold.
Even rip-roaring year end party’s got earmarked for a later date.
But, a new year awaits us all.
So as we hurl into the coming year, we continue to express our thanks, and gratitude, for the challenges you entrusted with us.
After all, who would have thought plexiglass would make a come back in Vegas?
And morph from old school sign face plexi into human interaction plexiglass dividers?
But it did, and it kept our creative City crawling forward.
So thank you suppliers, vendors, clients and accounts for keeping the crawl alive.
May you enjoy a happy holiday season and the wonder new year -ahead.
See yah next year (smile)…
Be safe -enjoy.
Peace and prosperity for all.