Happy Holidays and a Season Greetings from our family to yours.

Wishing you a Happy Holidays and a Season Greetings from our family to yours.

Snow fall in Las Vegas

Wishing you and yours a Happy Holiday season. May we enjoy another late night surprise snow fall like this again in Las Vegas soon. Photo captured by the night crew.

Ole Larry here with Signs West Outdoor.

Our family and crew wish you and yours a Happy Holidays.

Topped with a joyous and warm season greetings.

In retrospect.

Over the years remarkable things do happen.

Unique things like this snow fall photo shared here.

A photo captured by a late night crew.

Proving it does snow in Las Vegas.

As we reflect.

A snow fall in Las Vegas is just like the Holidays.

The snow fall comes and then melts away fast.

Just like the Holidays, we get to savor these wonderful sights and feelings.

Yet before one knows it a New Year rings in just as quick as the snow begins melt.

Then it’s back to enjoying our life long passions.

Ole Larry here and many like you, on the other hand will be seen standing in the falling snow.

Taking in every wonderful and cheerful moment while it’s taking place.

Just like the Holidays.

Feeling the gratitude of challenges long past while looking forward to new and exciting ones to follow.

A time to cozy up with family and friends. Coworkers and crews.

A sensational time to enjoy the each others company and good cheer.

Yes ole Larry here and those around us love the Holiday Season.

It’s why we do what we do.

The rewards for our time ring true.

From in our hearts to the smiles beaming on a childs’ face on Christmas day.

Just like a late night snow fall in Las Vegas.

A sight to see.

With this shared.

We wish you and yours a wonderful Holiday Season filled with the wonderment of a wintry joy.

May your Holidays be super fun and may your families share in the warmth we all share.

And maybe, just maybe we may one day get the best of both.

A white Christmas in Las Vegas.

With that said.

Happy Holidays and Season Greetings from our Signs West Outdoor family to yours.

May 2017 be a magical year packed with bold new gifts.

May all realize their dreams in 2017.

Happy Holidays!

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