Happy Thanksgiving From Signs West Outdoor To You!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Signs West Outdoor Happy Thanksgiving Day Logo

Happy Thanksgiving From Signs West Outdoor!

Ole Larry here with Signs West Outdoor with a special “Thanks” to you!

Every year we look forward to this day.

A day like no other.

Where our families come together to share a time of thanks and rest.

A day of non-stop snacks.

Fixings and meals with those close to our hearts.

We enjoy the company kept where story’s are shared and story’s are told.

Especially story’s from crazy uncle Bob who always has a tale fit for made for TV movie.

Even Aunt Jen who seems to appear with one extra niece or nephew every year… no one knew existed?

However, all of us here at Signs West Outdoor (our close knit family) finds gratitude in our hearts for you the customers.

Those who challenge us year in and year out.

The loyal clients whom make this day of thanks possible.

We truly thank you for your business.

Sometimes we get so busy over the year where we don’t find the time stop and think.

To share those two vital words ” Thank You”.

So this Month ole Larry here will keep this release simple.

It’s all about family. It’s why we do what we do.

Thus this time of year we get to enjoy what matters most.

Our families.

From our crew, the staff, the daring high wire installers and all associates.

We give thanks for this day to enjoy our families.

May you and yours have a happy Thanksgiving.

Until next month.

May your tummies bulge and buttons pop as the tantalizing aroma fills the air.

Be safe and enjoy!

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