Happy Turkey Day Feast To You And Yours

Turkey Day Wishes

We wish you and yours a happy turkey day feast -with all the trimmings

My, oh my, how time does fly…

Seems like just the other day where we were joined with close family to celebrate the Thanksgiving day Holiday?

At the same time, we were wishing you and yours a filling, and warm, and relaxing, and safe Turkey day Holiday too!

So, as this year winds down to another gobble feast, we wish you the same…

Have a wonderful, cozy, safe, and “I can’t move” type of filling feast.

As for our Holiday hours?

Once again, if you were promised your signage or graphics or you’re under a service contract… all will be produced, delivered, installed and or serviced on time. Skeleton crews will be operational.

However, we’ll be closing early on November 24th at 1 pm and then closed for the 3 day Holiday weekend.

We’ll be back to being fully staffed and operational, at the shop, on Monday the 29th of November.

In the mean time… we wish you and yours the best of which Turkey Day has to offer…

Until next Months release… may you, and yours, and all, enjoy a little well deserved relaxation too.

Happy Turkey Day “Gobble Gobble”

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