Have A Sparkling 4th


Wishing you a sparkling July 4th Holiday weekend ahead

Where does the time go?

Seems like July 4th was just celebrated , doesn’t it?

But hey, we’ll take it.

After all, who doesn’t love a fireworks show, especially here, Las Vegas style

At the same time, getting time off to enjoy BBQ-ing with friends, and family, and neighbors alike or doing what you do.

Heck, some may make sure to position their chairs strategically so they may catch a clear view of the sparkling sky -come sun down

While some of may be heading out early in the day to grab a great spot at a local park where they’ll be blasting off the works overhead, right?

Where you feel the booms and bangs reverberate through your body.

Or maybe trek on up to an upper deck of a Las Vegas strip parking garage to be mind blown by Vegas style fireworks which will be rattling up and down the strip.

Yet, no matter how you plan to enjoy the Holiday weekend ahead, we wish you the best.

May your Holiday be safe, and fun, and filling too.

Our crews, staff, and teammates here, at Signs West Outdoor, wish you a sparkling 4th.

We thank you for your business -as another summer begins to soak us all with warming rays.

As for our Holiday hours?

All service contracts and promised dates will go on as planned.

While most of us enjoying the Holiday weekend -just like you.

Will be back to full strength on Tuesday morning, the 5th of July.

Have a great 4th.

Until next Months release, may your ewes and awes be plentiful…

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