How Do New Community Development Flags Help Maximize Visitor Traffic?
Have you ever wondered why almost all new multi-family, and single family, and master plan community developments make use of onsite flags?
And why custom branded onsite flags are even more vital today?
Well, how about we take a gander at why onsite home builder and apartment community flags are important.
And discover how they help potential renters, lessees and or buyers instantly know it’s the new development they want to visit.
A Trip Down Memory Lane
And Why New Community Flags Are Vital Today
Back in the day, before Las Vegas exploded from a mere 250,000 residents in the early 70’s to over a 2,500,000 today -new development started to ignite and took off.
Back then… West Sahara was a two lane dirt road heading toward Peccole Ranch, and the Vegas valley was wide open.
Even Summa Corp (Howard Hughes Company) hadn’t broken much ground yet on their massive land holdings.
Then, during the 1980’s, dirt began flying everywhere… and development exploded.
Del Webb broke ground on Sun City Summerlin, and the race to develop Las Vegas was on.
Thousands of acres… which once hosted tumbleweeds and scorched desert earth was suddenly being transformed into the Vegas valley we know today.
Developers flocked to Vegas to stake their claim. And the Las Vegas strip began imploding into its modern day gaming and entertainment capital of fun.
So what does this have to do with onsite development flags?
Well, back then, if you headed out to Sun City Summerlin, or Painted Desert, or Peccole ranch… these new developments were easy to spot.
After all, you would travel up partially non-developed dirt roads, and you could spot the new developments without much effort.
Then, as the West side was taking shape with amazing new communities to live, the 215 was constructed. The 215 became a quick bypass into the city of Henderson and eventually would wrap around the entire Vegas valley to the West and North -as the outer beltway.
And as new roads were paved, the land began to fill in fast… Developments like 7 Hills, Sumerlin South, Silverado Ranch, and Green Valley Ranch rose from the dirt.
These new apartment communities, and homes, and master plans quickly began accommodating the housing for the stunning growth which Las Vegas was hemorrhaging.
New Communities Became Harder To Identify And Spot
But as new communities sprung up fast, they became harder and harder to spot or even differentiate their exact location.
Sure, these new multi and single family developments were allowed offsite directional signage, but these offsite signs were limited to a permit-able quantity of six.
And as you can guess, many planted their 8×16 offsite informational and directional signs on available undeveloped roadways and corners.
Which meant, an average stretch of land would display 7 to 9 new developments being offered for purchase or rent. And if you ever ventured up or down Ann or Craig road back then, my gosh, there were hundreds of off-site signs lining the road. Talk about confusing, right?
So developers started lining their onsite frontage, and entry ways, and development perimeters with free stand flagpoles with custom color flags.
These flags, which lined the properties (as in the photo above), would make it easier for visitors, lookie-loo’s, renters, and buyers to spot who’s who.
Fast Forward To Today
-Multi And Single Family Development Flags Fly Everywhere
And if we fast forward to today. These onsite multi and single-family development flags can be seen just about everywhere.
As in the photo above. The average person driving along this I-95 frontage probably wouldn’t even take a second look at the ground being broken here.
They might now even know it’s a new development, if not for this massive row of onsite perimeter flags… which are now attracting their attention as they drive by.
Because now, when they spot these onsite home builder flags, they’ll know instantly, “Oh, a new place to live is under construction.” And the developer knows the branded flag colors will immediately identify and differentiate their community.
And if you’re a prospect looking for a place to rent or buy which is closer to your work, or your business, or a part of Las Vegas you want to live, then you’ll be able to spot and notice potential locations, like this, much quicker.
Especially now-a-days with all the tech gadgets, and gizmos, and distractions we now face when we drive.
Sure, some may say, “hey, what about GPS?” Well, GPS is great if the development is even in the GPS system, right? But 9 out of 10 times, the development is so new it’s not yet part of the GPS data base.
So it’s easier to get lost and confused. Especially if there’s 5 to 7 new developments under construction in the same area.
No Wonder Why Onsite Flags Help
Maximize Visitor Traffic
This is why onsite new community development onsite flags help maximize visitor traffic.
Because the flags are easy to spot. The flags identify the new development and the builder. Which makes it easier on all of us.
And when a development is easy to spot, because of the flags, renters and buyers are more likely to pay these developments a visit. They’ll want to check out these cool new dwellings options.
Yea, sure you can build a new apartment or housing community and not add flags. And without onsite flags, will your prospects even know this flag-less community is new? Or worse, what if they drive on by to the flag lined property?
Onsite Flags Signal Somethings New
After all, most buyers and renters have already been trained over the decades that onsite flags signal something new.
So why not maximize your new multi or single family community development with onsite flags today.
Plant them when you’re just breaking ground, before anything, to let the public know that something new is coming.
And see how onsite flags can maximize interest and visits today.
Consider SignsWestOutdoor To
Onsite Flag-Line Your New Community
If you’re a developer looking for onsite, low cost, flags and poles, then consider SignsWestOutdoor as a viable option to flag your new community.
SignsWestOutdoor can produce your onsite flag poles to spec heights. And prime and paint your poles to look professional. And provide you with custom branded flags.
SignsWestOutdoor also offers you a flag change out and manage service agreement.
An agreement where your flags are checked on a regular basis. Which means, if one should tear, fade, lean or come loose, then the flags will be replaced to maintain your professional image in the minds of the prospects.
For more information on onsite flag solutions, contact SignsWestOutdoor today.
And let’s get your new community looking good from start to finish with towering, easy to spot, onsite flags.
Until next Month, may your new development attract more attention, close more eager buyers, and rent up fast.