How To Create Huge Self Illuminating Indoor Event Branding Graphics

light diffusing window film

Say what?

Is It Really Possible To Create Self Illuminating Indoor Event Branding Signage And Graphics?

And if so… how?

Well, let’s say you’re going to be hosting a special event or VIP party or even a Corporate gala.

Where you plan on renting out a local venue, night club, restaurant, club house or a even posh resort suite…

And these locations you’re considering have plenty of windows.

So as you begin exploring the local Las Vegas scene for an ideal setting to host your big event… let’s say you come across a few venues or spaces which just so happen to have plenty of open window views.

Maybe you discover some available spaces which are from high above the Las Vegas Strip with gasping views or you stumble upon a location with simply views. Views from the ground level or even views of a golf course.

So you decide to sign on the dotted line.

And you rent a space with plenty of ambient light which is radiating from walls of windows within the space.

Now what?

Well, you may be wondering how you will begin branding your upcoming gala or event.

Maybe you’ll go with a step repeat at the entry, even a red carpet to go along with your interior theme branding?

However, you did notice all those gigantic ceiling to floor windows raining in light from within your venue.

Then it dawns on you… what if you made use of some of those huge windows?

And you discover that there is modern day window film options which will help you make a branding “statement.”

Not the perf or the opaque types of films, but actual light diffusing films.

Films which will act as giant backlit displays but are not actually backlit!

Where the film rely only on ambient light.

May you imagine the money you will save by utilizing natural light verses going with a monstrous backlit wall?

Well, take a gander at the photo above on this moths release.

Do you see how this light diffusing film appears to be illuminating the ginormous brand graphic?

If this were opaque film it would look dark and hidden.

Yet this special light diffusing film is designed to emit light at the same time, block out views.

Which means it acts as a self illuminating huge indoor backlit graphic.

Now imagine you’re a guest, attendee, employee or VIP invitee.

And after you’re greeted maybe on the red carpet -you ramble into this venue or suite.

Will not your jaw slack when your all your senses are suddenly seized by a massive glowing branded wall?

A wall which appears to be a wall or a massive light box -yet its just a bunch of giant windows blanketed with full color printed light diffusing film.

Appearing as a giant backlit indoor billboard.

Wouldn’t you be feeling alive and ready to enjoy yourself knowing you’re part of this big event?

Wouldn’t you be eager to pose next to the giant graphic with teammates and friends and post to your social network of choice?

Now Imagine -Having No Window Film Graphic Boundaries

Where, no mater what your theme may be, you may print any type of surrealistic scenes upon the window film and apply the massive visual to the windows.

Maybe it’s an…

  • Underwater theme
  • Castle with a draw bridge
  • View from space
  • Grand-Prix finish line
  • Rocks-cape with your brand etched into granite
  • View of a runway with a jumbo jet landing
  • Cartoon caricatures
  • Professional sports team championship photo
  • The inside of a cave

As you may see, your ideas are boundless.

Because with modern day printing technology you’re only limited to your designer or design departments creative ability.

Which means, you may print anything you come up with.

But The Best Part Is… Light Diffusing Window Films Are Non-Evasive

Which means, they go up on the venue or suite glass windows usually the night before or day of your big gala or event, and come off after your event comes to a close.

There is no sticky residue, or damage to the glass. And all is good.

So if you’re looking for a way to blow the minds of your attendees, guest, and invitees… then why not consider going with self illuminating light diffusing widow film at your next big special event.

Showcase your brand imagery or create a theme scene which rivals other events your guest have attended.

And like they say “go big or go home” right?

Want to know more?

Contact Signs West Outdoor of Las Vegas right now at (702) 879-8250.

Talk with an event branding graphics expert and get your window film printing today.

And remember, you’ll only be limited to your imagination.

Plus, color matching to brand color okay. Just provide layered art with Pantone Coated call outs.

Contact Signs West Outdoor now.

And enjoy enlivening your guest with eye whopping, jaw slacking, event graphics at your next gala or VIP event too.

Until next Month… may you get your shine on.

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