How To Easily Charge More For Your Products And Services Using This Simple ‘Sign’ Making Technique

Do you want to charge more for your products and services?

And subtly attract a higher paying customer (target market) base?

close-up reverse-lit pan-channel lettering

Grab immediate attention, and project an upscale appeal with reverse-lit pan-channel lettering.

Then take advantage of the following ‘Sign’ making technique, and tip.

In the photo depicted here, you’ll notice an elegant and glowing type of ‘Sign‘, which is known as, ‘Reverse Pan-Channel‘ lettering.

Also known as ‘Reverse Halo‘ Lettering. See the halo glow?

‘Reverse pan channel lettering’ projects a natural, and stunning, and classy type of look, into the eyes of your prospective customers.

Therefore, if you’re opening a fine dining restaurant, or a upscale jewelry store, or even an exclusive nightclub, you can quickly see the advantages, of why, reverse-lit halo letters, will project an air-of-elegance, and added attraction to your business.

The next time you’re out and about, begin looking around and see if you can spot this type of business lettering in use.

When you do spot one, think about ,what’s the first thought that comes to your mind when you see an establishment using these types of halo-letters?

Are you first thoughts — “Wow, that’s an upscale joint”, or “Hot-damn, those letters look fantastic”, or…

However, don’t be surprised if can’t spot these types of reverse-lit halo letters on your quest. There’s a good chance you’ll will not see many store fronts, restaurants or commercial businesses using these types of reverse pan-channel letters.

Why? Two reasons come to mind.

Reason one is… the start-up business or restaurant owner(s) doesn’t know any better.

The boss-man drives by his or her newly leased commercial space and looks around.

He or she notices all the other businesses in the area, or mall, or commercial, or industrial center… And they all use a similar type of, knock-out fast, cheap, illuminated lettering… So he or she decides to be just like them.

Big-mistake! Unless your landlord strictly calls out for the use of a specific type of lettering or mandates a sign cabinet to be used in their center then damn-the-torpedoes, and be different!

Why blend in and look like everyone else? (Another shocking blog, of massive value, to be written down the road.)

Plus, sometimes, a desperate brick-and-mortar building owner, will make exceptions to their shopping-centers, specific ‘sign covenants’ (Sign requirements which are separate from the City or County Sign Codes. Some commercial centers have their own set of sign rules. And we know rules, sometimes, are meant to be broken) to get your signature on the lease.

Reason number two is…,

The new start-up business is concerned about cost, and rightly so.

After-all, leasing new business space gets costly, and fast.

You pay a deposit, first and last months rent, business licensing fees, tenant finish expenses, and the laundry list goes on.

Thus, a new business or restaurant most likely will chose the cheaper sign. Some even avoid using electrical Neon or LED lighting, and simply opt for the pan-channel lettering without any illumination!

However, all of this works to your advantage.

How? Because, you know the first interaction you have with your customer or prospective customer is with your signage.

You may want to hold back on the more expensive outdoor umbrella seating or swap-out those marble counter tops for granite, and go all out on your store front, business or restaurant signage.

You know first impression matter. And you want to make them a lasting one.

Plus, when you pay a little more for reverse-lit pan-channel lettering your prospective customers will ‘perceive‘ you as higher priced.

Regardless of what your offering. Whether a product or service.

Imagine being able to to re-coup the added cost of reverse-lit halo letters faster then you think by charging more, without the fuss.

Because, your customers will expect to pay a bit-more because you appear to be the new swanky joint or the high-end retailer on the block.

Now you armed with the knowledge of why you can charge more, for your products or services, by using the reverse-lit pan-channel lettering technique!

It’s all about perception.

And since halo-lit is not seen very often, you stand-out more, and be perceived as the classy new establishment… Where many eager customers will want to dine, shop or just hang out and watch the game.

If you want to set the bar high and charge more for your product or service, then contact Signs West Las Vegas right now and we’ll get you going, in the right direction, today.

Until next Month… May you start ringing-up higher sales today!

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