How To Enjoy Long Lasting Entry Way Wall Signs

sandblasted stone entry way wall

Want to enjoy a long lasting entry way wall property ID sign?

Well, imagine having an onsite entry way sign which is…

  • Low maintenance
  • Long lasting
  • Eye pleasing attractive

Wouldn’t this be nice?

A sign which identifies your property, business or development… rather easily.

An entrance sign which withstands the test of time and will still look good 10 years from now.

Well, imagine no more.

Let’s face it, Las Vegas is a desert oasis with plenty of hot baking summers.

Where the surface heat on many types of entry way signs may reach temperatures of nearly 130 degrees, if not more.

And over time this type of dry heat will cause your entry signs to blister and fade.

And when they do, your stuck with having to maintain, repaint, and replace them.

This cost time and money.

Even if you have raised powder coated or even cast aluminum letters which are stud mounted into your entry way walls face, to define your property’s name, you’ll still face maintenance challenges.

Challenges like…

  • Sprinkler dulling water spots
  • Loosening studs
  • Color fading
  • Vandalism

And you know the cost of having to replace or repair these types of letters… it’s no fun. And when you do, the newer letters seldom ever match the same color as the older letters.

Not a good look, right?

Or you may even have nice fabricated sign cabinets at your entry ways too, but with hollow interiors and internal metal support structures, you may only expect these types of signs to depreciate over time too. Especially as the Vegas heat and water badger your signage on a daily basis.

So what are you going to do?

How will you get to enjoy a long lasting entry way wall sign without all the reoccurring maintenance?

Well, the best answer would be to go with a maintenance free type of entry way sign.

And what better way to achieve less maintenance is with substrates which last a long time.

Substrates like…

  • Quarry cut flagstone
  • Granite sliced tiles
  • Giant boulders
  • Recessed (colorized) concrete

And have these types of substrates rest upon rebar reinforced footers and slabs.

So when your entry way walls are built they are constructed to last.

But instead of adding raised lettering or logo’s to the wall face, go with sandblasting.

Have your faces sandblasted and color filled to highlight your properties name, and or brand, and or image.

An example of a sandblasted entry way sign.

If you take a gander at the photo above, in this monthly release, you’ll notice a few things.

One -this entrance ID wall is built on a solid foundation.

Two -the wall is constructed from cinder blocks and concrete.

Three -the face of wall is with inlay-ed elegant granite.

Four -the face is sandblasted

And when you combine all four of these points… how you gonna go wrong?

You have a solid foundation, and structure, and a granite face.

You have a wall which is built to last.

So all you do is add the finishing touch with a sandblasted face.

A face where the name of the development is blasted into the granite stone.

Then color filled to match the properties branded colors.

Which means, there are no raised letters which may get vandalized. No hallow structural interior to weaken over time. No backlit lighting to service on a regular basis… nope, none of that.

You have a rock solid (pardon the pun) entrance way wall sign which will withstand the test of time.

Heck, even today, we still see onsite property signs which look as good as new… Entrance signs which were put in place some 20 years ago.

Plus, who doesn’t like the “stone” look?

Heck, we dropped in some massive quarry boulders for an apartments’ community ID main signs, up on Durango, some 30 years ago.

Boulders -which we chiseled-out flat portions and then sandblasted.

Huge “stones” which are still there today.

Plus we even lifted out long, tall, thick sections of flagstone from the quarry and set the stone slabs upright in the ground to ID properties here in Las Vegas too.

And if you want to go full century, we’ve inset cast bronze plaques within cut stone faces for set and forget type of signage.

Which means, stone has many uses.

But the best part is -stone projects an elegant appeal.

And a way of not only looking good, in the eyes of the viewer, but also last, and last, and last… a long time.

So, if you’re looking to create a stunning and long lasting entry way wall sign for your property, development or business too… then contact the experts at Signs West Outdoor of Las Vegas today.

Compare cost, get ideas, and then get a wall which you’ll be proud to show off to all viewers -too.

Call on Signs West Outdoor today at (702) 879-8250 and discover a better way to showcase your entry way today.

Or if your an existing H.O.A. and you want to upgrade an old weathered entrance sign, then call us too.

Discover the beauty of a sandblasted face which requires less maintenance over time.

Contact Signs West Outdoor now.

Until next months release, may you have a blast.

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