Have You Ever Wondered How You Can Realize A Much Longer Useful Life From Your Onsite Employee Parking Lot ID Sign(s)?
Signs which withstand the test of time.
Where you know that in 5 years, 10 years, even longer… your parking lot ID sign or signage will still be standing tall.
While doing their job to direct, and inform, and control the flow of traffic on your site.
The kind of lot ID signs which will not require much maintenance.
So you get to enjoy these types of user friendly parking lot ID signs which seldom need to be replaced –over and over again.
Yes, free standing signs which you simply set in concrete footers and forget.
Which, in the long run, will easily save you money.
Well, wonder no more.
And here’s why.
You Want A Dedicated Parking Area
To Secure Employee Access To And From Your Facility
Let’s say you’re upgrading an existing medical centers lot signage or building a new hospital. And you want a dedicated parking area (lot) for your employees, physicians, and staff.
You want to secure the access to and from your building. And make it easy to monitor and control. Where your badge employees enter and exit your facility on a daily basis.
And you want a simple lot ID sign to direct, advise, and inform employees and guest as to which parking areas are off limits. And which ones are not.
And in order to do so, you’ll be installing lot signage in your parking areas to get this message across.
Why Splurge On High Maintenance
Types Of Onsite Parking Lot ID Signs?
Sure, you could go all out and splurge on aluminum post panel signage, reverse lit signs, or even custom theme signage to accentuate your hospitals design.
But, as you may have noticed, over time, post panel signage with routed out aluminum faces tend to lose the center of certain letters. Letters like the middle of the “O’s” or “A’s” and all of it.
And this creates an eye sore. An eye sore which requires constant maintenance over time.
Don’t believe me? Take a look at the DMV lot signs around town.
So what are you going to do?
Especially if the architect is calling out for post panel routed face signs, like these, on their plans and specs.
Sure, we may advise “you” the owner that these types of signs will require costly repairs. And we may recommend alternatives.
However, most architects, generals (GCs), and even owners will say “Just do it to plans and specs!”
And suddenly, within 3 years, the “oops” begin to occur. The middle and the center of the letters begin to pop off.
Then all of a sudden, addition cost are required to fix the problem.
But then again, hey, sometimes the GC, architect, and the owner will listen to the sign company’s advice.
A Simple Yet Effective Long Lasting Parking Lot ID Sign
For example, take a look at the photo depicted above. This is a pic of an employee physician parking lot ID sign.
Notice it states “Reserved Parking” for “Physicians & Employees Only.”
And includes the N.R.S. code on the bottom. A mandatory code which warns non-employees they will towed.
It’s a pretty simple sign. It’s straight forward. And to the point.
Yea, sure, it’s not an exciting sign. It’s plain and boring. But it gets the message across –without much thought.
And if you look closer, you’ll notice the edges of this sign have a slight radius to them.
Because the radius edges banish the pointed metal corners. Corners which could easily cause harm or injury someone walking by, and not paying attention.
But, then again, the good news is. You’re at a medical center hospital.
…all kidding aside.
Yet you may ask “Okay, so why will this sign, pictured above, withstand the test of time?”
Well, what you don’t see is that this sign face is routed from flat aluminum. And it has a baked on painted coating. Similar to an automobile finish.
Which means, it’s not just your typical, run of the mill, aluminum type of sign.
It’s thicker. It’s 3/16” (almost a ¼”) thick. The same thickness you see on overhead freeway signs!
Which means, it’s not going to bend, ding, or dent. And if a wayward person walks into it, sure, they may feel a little bit of pain, but they will not be gashed. And who knows, maybe they’ll may pay more attention to their surroundings, next time.
Plus, it’s bolted to square aluminum tubing and set in concrete footers. Unlike less stable onsite traffic informational and lot ID signs which tend to have a U-shape and or holes in the poles.
Which means, these type of square tube mounted and installed employee parking only signs are set and forget.
They’re durable. Solid. And long lasting.
And if you think about it. The sign depicted above… actually looks pretty good. And it does what it was designed to do.
So if you’re wondering how you can ensure that your employee only parking only lot ID sign or signage will withstand the test of time… now you know.
Contact Signs West Outdoor For More Information
On What Types Of Parking Lot ID Signs
Will Be Right For You
And if you want more information on what types of onsite parking lot ID signs will be right for you? Signs which will best maximize your new or refurbished commercial development, office building, hospital, medical center, casino, resort, or business… then contact Signs West Outdoor today.
We’ll help you get the best solution for your intended use.
Plus, we will design the parking lot ID sign or signs as they will actually appear on your finished development. Even before they are fabricated, constructed, or install.
How about them apples?
So contact Signs West Outdoor right now at (702) 879-8250.
And talk with a local sign expert today.
Until next Month… may you find a good parking spot.