How To Lease Up Your Multi-Family Community Fast With Big Building Banners

Big outdoor building banner

Have you ever wanted to lease up your multi-family community -fast?

While experiencing an increase in your traffic numbers too?

Well, have you ever tried going with big building banners?

Yea, OK, that may be a loaded question…

Because the odds are you’ve most likely order and install big outdoor banners in and around your multi-family community all the time.

Who wouldn’t, right?

However, a good guess will be that your huge banners were like all the other community banners you see while driving the town.

Where they all probably state “Now Leasing” in big massive letters… and some even add a phone number too.

Heck, maybe you got wise and went for a yellow banner back background which had big bold red lettering too, right?

After all, you probably know yellow and red is the number one color combination for attracting and eye balls an turning heads.

But was it enough?

Meaning… did the word “Now Leasing” do the trick?

Did you notice an uptick in traffic numbers?

Or did you experience the normal traffic counts as before?

Or are your big banners like all the others?

Point being… Hey, you may be realizing that your banners are pretty much the same as all the other big, and fence, and wall banners out there.

And if there’s 4 or 5 multi-family communities within a few block radius of your community, then what makes your community the one to see?

Maybe it’s your location?  Or maybe the prospective renter simply choose to add to your traffic counts by luck of the draw.

And if this is the case, then it will be lease up as usual.

However, is there a way for you lease up your community faster?

Well, think about this…

With every nearby competitor barking at the same prospects with their huge “Now Leasing” building banners, just like you, it’s a numbers game.

However, what if you tilted the numbers in your favor?

And you added a few extra words to your big building banners to subconsciously grabbed a greater share of the prospects looking to rent.

After all, what do renters want? Need? Desire?

For example, take a gander at the big building banner in the photo above, in this release.

Notice how the words “Now Leasing” are down played. And the words “Tour Today” stand out.

Do you see the mind shift these two simple words create?

Even though the text “Tour Today” is an alteration, which maximizes the words meaning, it’s different.

Which means, when things appear different they tend to attract more attention.

However, the main point is your massage is sending out a command.

A command to come tour today.

Whereas the nearby competitor across the street is spewing the same old boring term “Now Leasing.”

Thus, if you think about, especially over the last 20 years, we as humans have been conditioned to our online experiences and terms.

Terms like…

  • Come See
  • Discover More
  • View Now
  • Order Today
  • Etc…

Which means, subconsciously, we’re obeying commands.

No different than the words ” Tour Today.”

A command to come see. And thus, as humans, we’ll be more apt to tour the community more than if this big banner above simply read “Now Leasing.”

Do you see the power in messaging subtle commands, even features and benefits?

At the same time… circling back to what do your renters want?

What if you down played the term “Now Leasing” as depicted in the photo above and came up with more simply terms.

And you added a big apartment building wall banners facing different streets or vantage points around your community.

And you added a simpe term to each banner like…

  • Free WIFI
  • Best Views In Town
  • 24/7 Security Patrol
  • Gate Guarded
  • Heated Pools
  • Huge Balcony’s
  • Full Gym
  • Free Rent
  • Come See
  • Must See
  • Washer – Dryer
  • Etc…

Which means, one renter may be looking for amazing views and another for a full size gym…

Thus, you’re banners are attracting more traffic because of your hitting your ideal renters sweet spot.

What the renter wants, likes, and prefers.

Yea, sure you may add amenities signs with terms like these but my gosh, as you may be aware, amenity sign are hard to read when vehicles are rolling by at 35 MPH or more…

One large term on a big building banner with a command will be seen and read more readily than smaller amenity signs.

And thus, with the interest is piqued with a cool feature or benefit and a command it may be within reason that more traffic will flow to your community.

So, if you want to lease up your multi-family community fast, then why not go with some big building banners.

Get giant banners which will generate more interest your way -today.

Then reach out for big banner help and contact Signs West Outdoor.

Because Signs West Outdoor of Las Vegas will provide you with banners with a decent weight.

Not that cheap tear quick vinyl being sold on the market, but heavier weighted banner stock which will not shred in the wind.

A banner which will last you longer and require less re-orders over time.

Plus, since your banners will be printed on huge full color 10ft or 15ft wide roll printers, you may add mind blowing images, photos and graphics to your design… so your big banners pop.

Order today.

Call Signs West Outdoor at (702) 879-8250.

Ask for a free-site survey if you’re unsure where to place your big banners..

And start increasing your lease up percentages fast.

Until next Month, may you be fully leased with awaiting list.







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