Want to save money branding your next Corporate event at local Las Vegas resorts and venues?

This custom branded large private event wall sign was printed on low tac adhesive vinyl for an easy up and down application
Hi my name is John with is Signs West Outdoor of Las Vegas with some useful information on how to save money when branding smaller Corporate events and conferences being held in Las Vegas.
Did you know every week there are over 20 to 30 smaller Corporate events, Conferences and Private Company parties being held at local Las Vegas Resorts?
Some of these events may only take up a 5,000 sq foot conference room, but some take up an entire conference center area.
Before sharing some helpful ways on how to save money on branding your smaller events being held in Las Vegas with event marketing signs and signage, let’s clarify one thing, were not talking about the major the trade shows that flow through Vegas every year.
Were talking about smaller events like:
- Yearly business summit
- Corporate function
- Special Event
- Industry roundtable
- Private Corp party
- Company banquest
- Award ceremony
- Mangers meeting
- Employee appreciation event
- Black Tie event
- Wine tasting gathering
- Closed door meetings
- Yearly retreat function
- Heads of Business meeting
- Special Industry Show
- Speaker seminars
- Annual Christmas parties
- Hobbyist convention

Notice how a hallway leading into private event conference room may be branded using low cost sign substrates
Including a lot more which continue to take place each and every day, here in Las Vegas.
These types of smaller events do not have the huge show host budgets that the major trade show venues have.
These smaller events and conferences will have smaller budgets.
The smaller Corporate events and business conferences tend to lease out conference rooms and convention space for local Resorts in Southern Nevada.
They are not taking up the trade show venues like the LVCC or the Sands Expo per say, they take up smaller areas, but still want to brand their event or conference in style.
So what is event marketing or branding?
If your in the business of hosting or planning these smaller Corporate events you already know how to add branded event signage within the property or Resort to promote your event, conference or party.
You will most likely want:
- Way finding signage
- Conference room ID signs
- Interior and exterior event marketing signage
- Corridor and hallway signs
- Overall event theme signs
- Branding signage
- Informational signs
- Inside conference room signs
- Podium branding
- Stage back drops
- Step repeats
- Other event branding signage
There are so many types of event marketing signs it would be to numerous to mention.
The main point is, lets say you want to brand the local resort meeting room areas, corridors, hallways, entry ways and hotel check in with event signs?
You save money by talking to someone with the event marketing signage experience. Someone who will be able to put together a quote given a set budget.
As you see from the photos on the release, this company stretched their event marketing budget by utilizing low tac easy to install adhesive vinyl and thinner foam board flat bed printed signs verses aggressive vinyls and more rigid gator board signs.
They saved money by using low cost pull up banner stands verses 1/2 inch or expensive 1 inch thick gator free-standing directional and informational signage.
Yes, they may have even chosen to go with the lowest cost option which is vinyl banner signs but they still got a great branding experience by knowing their options.
Thus the best way to save money when branding your next Corporate event or business conference at a local Las Vegas resort is to talk to an expert who will be able to offer you many different even signage options.
If you want to talk to an event signage expert, then visit Signs West Outdoor of Las Vegas here and ask for John.
Until next time, may your brand be memorable.