If You Already Ordered Your Stud Mount Exterior Wall Lettering, Don’t Read This.

If you already ordered your stud-mount exterior wall-lettering, don’t read this. It may be to late?

Stud Mounted Wall Lettering Gone Wrong

Can you imagine if the Sign Co that was installing these stud mount letters simply shifted the letters over one inch? Into the grout.

Are you a developer, general contractor, property manager or an owner of a new or existing building?

Did you invest the extra-money (to set your property apart) by adding appealing brick-work to your building walls and entryways?

Rather than those cheap looking cinder block walls?

Do you want to protect your investment over-time?

Then, hopefully you’re seeing this post “before” you begin ordering your exterior stud-mounted wall or building-ID lettering.


Take a gander at this photo here.

Do you see where the stud holes were drilled right into the expensive brick, and the grout was one inch to the right?

The lesson here is not to state “what were they thinking” or make a mockery of this mystery development…

The lesson is to simply show you… what you want to be aware of… when you’re ordering, exterior stud-mounted lettering for your new or existing development.

After all, you may be not even notice these holes (in the example photo above) that are wrecking havoc your nice brick-work?

But, to a sign-making insider, this sure does… drive us nuts.


Because, stud mounted letting can be designed today using modern C.N.C. routing technology.

Where your (flat-cut out or 3D) aluminum or metal letters are made using a huge flat-bed routing table.

Then the router software makes the stud-mark tap-holes on the back side of your fresh cut letters.

Because, the lettering is being cut in reverse. Backwards, from behind.

Which means, a proven Sign Professional can quickly look at your plans and specs… or your existing wall(s) and know exactly where the grout is or will be located.

Then simply program-in and set the studs (tap marks) on the back side of your lettering… so when the studs are attached they align perfectly with your wall(s) grout pattern and NOT the brick itself.

In plain English, this means that we can then make a paper pattern of the stud-mark locations that will align with the grout, on your wall.

Then simply place the paper patterns (with the lettering outlined on the pattern) level on your wall(s) and drill into these stud-mark locations… right into the wall grout, and NOT the brick.

Then insert each letter, or logo, or even design elements studs into your wall(s) and everything aligns, all fine and dandy!

Even if your building ID is designed for permanent occupancy by yourself or a tenant, it still helps to know you may always upgrade or change your name and lettering down the road. Hassle free.

And, for the record, setting studs that come from behind your letters, which will align with the wall(s) grout works for…

  • Flat-cut aluminum
  • Cast lettering
  • Bronze dedication plaques
  • Reverse pan channel lettering
  • Pan channel lettering
  • Sign cabinets

Plus, let’s assume your walls are made from cheap cinder block?

Drilling into cinder block can easily crack the blocks, even when trying to remove old stud mounted lettering.

Therefore, it may be a good idea to… take a good look at your stud-mount lettering quotes that you’re getting.

Even better, ask more questions to find out if your Sign Company knows what they’re doing… now that you’re aware of this telltale pro-tip.

Yes, it may not matter if your building is built using tilt up concrete slabs…

However, your stud-mounted brick-wall and building lettering will be adding the finishing ‘visual-touch’ of attractive appeal… so why not make sure it looks professional?

Especially if an old tenant is leaving and a new one is coming in.

And, leave no holes behind.

If you want more advice or expert tips…

Then please check back next month.

Ole Larry here will continue providing you with helpful insight and Sign-Pro tips, just like this.

Or, if you want immediate insight? Contact us at Signs West Las Vegas today.

Until next Month, may you plug the holes.

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