Looking to identify your property entrance with Monument ID Signs?

Double sided freestanding monument ID entrance sign with marble inset face allows this business to be easily identifiable from the roadway.
Did you know there are many different types on Monument ID Signs that can be custom fabricated or built to spec that can match your Companies theme or brand?
Monument ID signs that leave no doubt, what so ever, that this is your entrance or the entryway to your business.
Whether your a commercial center, manufacturing plant, service business, gated government facility, hotel, school, Corporate campus, theme park, private development or any other type of Company property that needs to be ID-ed.
Even if you have multiple entry’s. Each entrance can be made to be easily identifiable with monument signs.
And your not limited. Which means you can choose standard or even a custom build theme types of monument IDs.
However, there is one limit. And that is (assuming you are being advised by a Sign expert) you will want to consider the climate you’re locating to.
Yes, Vegas is Vegas.
But, as an example, if you’re locating to a rainy or a seasonally cold type of climate then you may want to consider going with an aluminum post panel type of construction.
Because aluminum will not rust. Nor will it expand and contract when it warms up in the summer… after a freezing cold winter, like some signs do.
Whereas in Las Vegas, it gets sizzling hot out here during the summers… so we tend to avoid all types of wooded entrance signs. But sandblasted wood can be popular in the Midwest or out East where it’s not as dry and hot.
To further this example and your understanding… in Colorado some ski resorts and lodges love using huge wooden log types of monument ID signs with hanging treated wood faces to create a picturesque theme. A theme that captures (projects) a certain look and feel for that particular property or resort.
And as you’re probably aware, entryway signs like those being utilized in Colorado are not going to be seen in Southern Nevada. And for good reason.
Even when you begin traveling further East or West from Las Vegas you’ll begin noticing monument entrance signs where beautiful brick work comes into play. Right?
However, it’s your choice as to the appeal your looking for. Noting the climate will dictate only what materials our best NOT to use.
If you want brick, stone, aluminum, foam or illuminated monument ID signs? Then that’s quite alright in Vegas as long as you’re not going to use wood! Because wood in this heat will only last for about 2-3 years. Whereas, you probably want a sign that’s going to last. And last a long time.
So what are some types of Monument Sign ideas you can consider for use in Southern Nevada?
- Masonry concrete base supporting a metal sign cabinet
- Brick base and structure with raised flat-cut stud mounted letters
- Cinder block entrance wall with marble, granite or stone face veneer
- Custom reverse lit LED sign letters mounted to your entrance walls
- Aluminum fabricated sign with individual routed tenant panels
- Custom metal letters and a logo attached to an existing entrance wall(s)
- Simple aluminum post panel signs
- Illuminated double sided Sign cabinet with acrylic tenant panels
- Custom high end monument sign with water fall elements
- Simple monument ID property sign with flood lighting
- Commercial center entrance monument directional signage
- Full blown custom
A shared, monument ID entryway signs are a great way to theme and brand your development, hotel resort, commercial center, shopping mall, residential community, time share or industrial complex… and more.
But, did you know Monument ID Signs must meet local sign codes?
That is correct. Depending on the jurisdiction you plan to order and install your entry way ID sign or monument sign in… you will need your sign professional to make sure they meet local sign codes first. (Unless they were approved in your master plan or architectural building plan submissions.)
Here in Southern Nevada the City of Las Vegas, Henderson, Boulder City and Clark County all have different sign codes.
These local sign codes will determine:
- The height of the monument sign
- How many tenant panels it may include
- The set back of the sign from the entrance roadway
- Whether you may illuminate your monument sign or not
- And other permit-able criteria, like landscaping requirements, if your entryway is rather large
Sometimes large industrial, multi-family community and commercial center developers will have a master sign-plan approved when they submit their overall development plans to the local jurisdiction, City or County in Southern Nevada.
If your monument signs are part of a master sign plan then they are approved when the development is approved.
It’s always wise to provide a master sign plan if you are building a large commercial center, industrial complex, resort, single or multi-family community development or even a shopping center. This way you get your monument signs approved ahead of time.
However, if you are looking for new monument ID signs to theme and brand your property or development you always have the option to apply for a special use variance if you feel you need a little extra height? or size? that exceeds the permit-able size which the current sign codes allow.
Therefore, if you’re looking to identify your property entrance with monument ID signs or you want ideas and designs then simply contact Signs West Outdoor today.
Click the ‘ Get Quote ‘ button in the upper right and allow Signs West Outdoor of Las Vegas to provide you with the proper size, set backs and requirements you are allowed per code on your next monument ID sign job.
If there are obstructions like trees, bushes, walls and or other signs that block or will block the visibility of your Monument Signs then Signs West Outdoor will help you apply for a special use variance and permit to present to the City of Las Vegas or County Council members for consideration and approval.
Monument signs are a great way to properly ID your business, property, development, commercial center, multi-family community, resort, time share or businesses in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Plus these types of monument entrance signs are easy to spot, especially on busy roadways.
For expert assistance, Contact Signs West Outdoor today. A Signs West Las Vegas Company.