Looking for a simple or custom fabricate sign cabinet?

Here is a photo of a typical store front sign cabinet with easy slide in and slide out lexan sign faces
Did you know a sign cabinet or illuminated sign cabinets are fabricated for many types of uses?
You can view some of the uses by simply scrolling down this page to see some photos of different types of sign cabinets.
You may notice that they can range from simple store front ID signs to large towering commercial center pylons signs to advertising light boxes and more.
Plus, sign cabinets are one of the oldest forms of fabricated signage.
They were and still are simple to manufacture.
Whether you’re going to display your business name or advertise a special, service, product or a message… these types of signs can be the most effective way to do just that.
Because the best thing about sign cabinets are their low cost, compared to individual fabricated letters.
Did you know a fabricated sign cabinet maybe:
- Simple one sided for a wall mount
- Doubled sided like freestanding center signs
- Triangle shaped visible from all three sides
- Four sided for in-store advertising
- Custom geometric shape
- Contour cut Corp logo
- Hanging along inside corridors
- Large or small
Yet, single sided cabinet signs tend to be the most popular.
They are mainly used for retail store fronts in strip centers, malls, commercial centers, industrial parks or on office buildings to identify the tenants name or business.

Notice how large pylon signs are made from stacked sign cabinets before new lighting and flex faces are added
Smaller singe sided sign cabinets usually have easy to change out slide-in and slide-out plexi or lexan sign face inserts.
Plus, cabinet sign inserts are an inexpensive way to rename a store front. Just slide-out the old face and replace with a new one. It’s that easy.
Whereas larger single face illuminated sign cabinets tend to utilize flex faces because of their size.
A flex face maybe a translucent or opaque flexible vinyl face that attaches to the sign cabinet using clips and tightening clamps.
See sample photos here of a typical pylon sign cabinet with a flex face. See the before and after change out pics.
Plus, flex face marquees are recommended if the lighted cabinet sign is a huge freestanding pylon or a big box retailer with one of those giant logo elements on their store front.
Why? Because flexible sign face inserts will have less seam-lines (if any) and they are a lot lighter in weight than lexan or plexiglass inserts.
Therefore, as a rule of thumb, consider using flex sign faces if your looking for large sign cabinets.
It only makes sense to go with a large flex face insert when a sign cabinet is 40 to 200 feet in the air.
After all, if a wind storm hits, who wants to be around heavy plexiglass or lexan that could come loose?
Whereas other popular types of single sided sign cabinets are used for interior in-store or promotional advertising.
Plus, all sign face-insert types can be digitally printed in full color. Which means you can have life like photos, logos and custom color background designs printed directly onto your sign face! How cool is that?
And as you probably noticed, sign cabinets are being utilized by almost every type of business. Small and large.
Go ahead, take a look around the next time when you’re out driving or when you’re visiting a business, store, venue, gallery, campus or even a sporting complex.
You will probably see a cabinet sign where ever you go or look. That’s how popular they are.
For example, cabinet signs are being used for:
- Simple store front ID
- Entry way ID sign
- Commercial center pylon
- Interior wall mount advertising
- Retail center tenant panels
- Custom Corporate branding
- On premise directional signage
- Overhead informational
- Four sided kiosks
- Main plot map directory signage
- In-store adverting
- Restaurant menus
- “You are here” location signs
- Theme park way finding
- Sport stadium or Arena seating section ID
A cabinet sign maybe:
- Custom shaped
- Simple square or rectangle
- Single or double sided
- Back lit or non lit
- Freestanding or wall mounted
Sign cabinets may be fabricated to order and to code in just about any shape, style or design imaginable.
Most important is you probably want to have your cabinet sign last a long time… especially if your end use if for a large commercial or industrial complex where you’re exposed to inclement weather and the elements.

Instead of using individual raised letters this retail restaurant chain makes use of custom fabricated sign cabinets
The same holds true for large pylon signs and other outdoor lighted sign cabinets. Who doesn’t want their sign to have a long useful life.
And the best way to make sure your sign cabinet will last a long time is to consider having it constructed from aluminum so it does begin to rust in a few short years.
Now-a-days, modern sign fabricating systems allow for easy fabrication of aluminum sign cabinets.
Plus, did you know, your interior sign cabinets maybe produced with a brass, silver, anodized bronze or even a dull to shinny gold finish? Verse custom color matching paint or powder coating?
Modern technology makes it easy to produce just about any type of sign cabinet you desire.
And as you can probably see, from viewing a few of the sample photos on this page, how different types of uses can come into play.
Even if you just gained a few ideas of how sign cabinets are being utilized today, the sky’s the limit.
If you want more information on simple to custom fabricated sign cabinets, then contact SignsWestOutdoor today or use the Get Quote button above.
We’re want to help you. And if you may think it we can make it.