The Bigger The Outdoor Pole Signs The Better

Who says the bigger your outdoor pole signs -the better

Large Outdoor Pole Sign

Large outdoor pole sign is easy to see and read, quickly.

Have you ever heard the old saying that “bigger is better?”

Well, when it comes to outdoor pole signs, this is a true statement.

For example… have you ever been driving down the street looking for a local business and you just couldn’t seem to find it?

Even when you drove near, where you thought, the location was located, you would quickly glance over at the pole signs at the location but could not read the names of all the businesses that are listed on these custom outdoor metal signs at the entry to the location.

Because the outdoor commercial signage at the location you think you’re looking for was loaded-up with too many business names for you too quickly spot the name of the business you were looking for.

After-all, you would glance over at the shopping centers pole signs and there would be 8 to 12 business names cramped into small of the space.

Plus to make matters worse, when you’re driving along at 35 miles an hour to 45 miles an hour, it’s almost impossible to quickly spot the name of the business you’re looking for -in a blink.

Sure, if you could slam on the breaks and stop in the roadway and glance over all the names on the freestanding sign you would probably spot the business you’re looking for. However that is really not possible, because you could cause an accident, right?

So, wouldn’t it be nice if there were large towering outdoor pole signs which were much easier to spot, notice, and read when you’re driving down a roadway?

And what if these custom retail signs were huge like in the photo on this release. Would it be much easier for you to spot the business are looking for?

Take a good look at the photo above. This is a towering non-illuminated business pole sign.

Now, do you think you would easily notice this sign if you are driving down the road at 65 to 85 miles an hour? The odds are you would. Because this huge outdoor pole sign is designed for you to quickly see, spot, and find the business you’re looking for.

Now imagine if there are 8 to 12 of these separate business pole signs, like this, along the roadway… would you not agree that you would instantly know what type of businesses is located at this location or if it was the one you are looking for?

And not only that, imagine if you were driving on the opposite side of the road, where these towering pole signs are located, would you not be able to spot them too?

Which means bigger has got to be better. Don’t you agree?

Especially when each large business pole sign is evenly spaced, at an adequate distance, for you to notice and read them quickly.

So why don’t all retail centers, commercial business parks, and local malls utilize much bigger signage like this?

That’s a good question to ask. Right? Could it be that local jurisdictions regulate the size and height of all signage?

Or could it be that wise ole architects include large sign elements like these to be part of the master plan design specs for this development?

Well, you may already know or be aware that local jurisdictions do regulate the size, and height, and quantities, and types of signs which you may place or add to your business location.

However, is it possible that an experienced sign expert maybe working with the architect and the GC ahead of time to include towering pole signs, like these, into a master plan -sign plan for the development before it even breaks ground?

And is it possible that the developer submits these overall design plans, for a commercial center or business park, for the approval of the local jurisdiction that these types of signs are already included in the overall plans?

Plans which may be approved, ahead of time, without affecting the overall sign code allotments for this local jurisdiction.

As you may see, towering pole signs like these may not be approved if they were not included as part of a master plan development design… After-all, their eating up too much of the allowable sign codes for the jurisdiction. Right?

However, an experienced sign pro will advise you that no sign code is set in stone. Which means, if you want bigger outdoor signs for your development, then a professional sign company may help design a master sign plan or they can apply for variances.

And all a variance means is… you want to circumvent the sign codes and ask for more allowable signage to be approved for your development or businesses location.

After all, everybody will win.

If you were that person driving down the roadway while struggling to spot a location you were looking for because the signs were too small, then a bigger sign will be so much easier for you to see. Thus, saving you time and aggravation.

Or if you’re the business who wants to lease space at this new development, you’ll be happy. Why? Because you know your business name will stand out like a sore thumb. After-all, what business doesn’t want a huge outdoor sign, like in the photo above.

Or if you’re an elected official in the local jurisdiction, where this development is breaking ground, you’ll be more than happy. Because your community will be raking in a lot of extra sales tax dollars. Right?

Therefore, as you can see, everyone’s happy. Everyone wins.

So next time you’re thinking about developing a new business park or commercial retail center… why not hire a well-established sign company to go to bat for you in your community? And everyone can win.

But, before you do, be aware, it’s always wise to use common sense before you talk to a local sign expert or before drawing up a master sign plan for your development.

Why? Because the local jurisdiction is not going to allow you to go crazy with sign plans if your development is too close to multifamily or single family residential developments or schools?

The community wins too. They don’t want bright lights glaring in their windows at night or even have their views blocked or obstructed by a large outdoor sign… Would you?

So, a good rule of thumb for getting monster sized signs approved is make sure your surrounded by similar zoning which allows for commercial and business development.

Now, if you want expert signage advice on what you can or most likely can’t get approved as signage for your new development, then contact Signs West Outdoor Las Vegas today. We’ll help you, fast.

Plus, if you want to know of a better way to make use of your existing outdoor pole signs, we can help you with this too.

Let’s make it a lot easier for everyone to be able to quickly spot your businesses’ location, without all the fuss.

Until next month’s release, may your outdoor pole signs tower above the rest and be spotted quickly.


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