How towering giant wall murals are increasing the excitement levels for riders waiting to board new Las Vegas thrill ride.
Like they say “Las Vegas is the entertainment capital of the world.”
So as each casino resort property and adventure seeking business continue to out do each other -the new Las Vegas Fly Over thrill ride is aiming to do the same.
And they are doing it by utilizing awe-inspiring exterior signage along with huge indoor theme graphics.
Theme graphics like the giant wall murals which were recently install at Fly Over Las Vegas -as you see in the photo depicted above.
Fly Over of Las Vegas themed their interior with these towering gigantic full color wall murals.
Wall murals which set the stage, in the riders mind, for what’s to come.
Because as riders anxiously await a new heart-pounding thrill ride they are being inundated by ginormous wall mural graphics which build upon their excitement levels.
The excitement of not knowing what to expect -all while the wall mural graphics are hinting of the thrill which awaits.
The soon to be riders see these giant depictions of huge natural geographic arches and stunning waterfalls and… Yet they do not know what’s to come.
Yet some, soon to be thrill riders, may be wondering if they’ll suddenly be flying through these arches at break neck speeds?
Or if they’ll be whisk through a waterfall without a second to catch their breath…
Anticipation builds… as they’ll be next to board.
Yet all they know for now… is they’re being exposed to these breathtaking interior wall murals along with the amazing sounds being cast from the ride.
Not to mention the tag line they read for this Fly Over adventure ride which states “The Ultimate Flying Ride.”
Thus, their excitement levels build as they approach their turn.
Heck, this type of excitement was no different then when State Line boasted the tallest dropping roller coaster back in the 90’s or when Vegas World built the Stratosphere and created thrill rides which began at over 100 stories up in the air.
Rides which deliver as advertised.
After all, Vegas has it all. Something for everyone.
And now this new Fly Over ride aims to deliver the same.
To provide even more thrills for all the adventure seekers.
All while upping their game by going all out with huge wall mural theme ride visuals.
Interior theme visuals which create an ambiance of excitement.
After all, Las Vegas resort properties and adventure businesses are all competing for tourist dollars.
And there’s plenty to go around.
So why not set the stage and deliver the ultimate in thrill ride theming.
And theme the ride boarding environment for all thrill seekers to maximum enjoyment and word of mouth.
Become a must do Vegas attraction which all locals and tourist want to experience.
Give em’ a thrill to remember…
And if you want to do the same, then now you can.
Because if you’re looking to up your game too, then Signs West Outdoor is here to help.
Help you by creating a theme look just for you or by having Signs West Outdoor install your giant wall murals -as was done here.
Or we may even print your agency designed graphics on huge 5 meter seamless printers.
Heck, even go all out… and turn your giant wall murals into spectacles by choosing to go with massive backlit LED illuminated SEG fabric interior light walls too. (All fire rated to code.)
Thus no matter what you’re aiming to achieve “visually” with your theme graphics, Signs West Outdoor is here to help.
So why not create the ambiance of excitement too?
Begin by contacting Signs West Outdoor right now.
Call us at (702) 879-8250
Or request a quote using the quick response quote form.
And create a memorable experience which all will share.
Build excitement levels by theming your interiors with towering giant wall murals today.
Contact Signs West Outdoor now.
Until next Months release, may you enjoy the thrill of the ride.