Do you want to put modern Sign tech to use today?
Hi all, Larry here with this Months useful Sign Tip.
Do you want to attract more attention to your brick and mortar business?
Do you want to turn more heads and get potential customers talking?

Modern Sign making tech allows full color images to be printed on substrates and then CNC routed to size.
Then take a gander at this well known local business and see how they put modern Sign tech to use.
As you see from the photo here, there is no limit to making modern business signs using new sign production technology.
Any one in Las Vegas has most likely seen this 10 foot tall logo character cut out on this building on S Rainbow.
Everything about this company is pure marketing genius.
From the bright color building to the flat bed printed and routed logo character we have all come to love.
Notice how they made use of a bright color to get your attention.
Then notice how they took advantage of our new Sign making technology to get people talking about their 10 foot tall logo character.
Did you know, back in the day, making a 10 foot tall cut out like this on aluminum would take weeks of labor?
One would need to enlarge the logo at size.
One would then create massive screen printing screens to print the logo at 10 foot tall.
Then one would pain painstakingly need to hand cut out the outline shape and silhouette of this character.
Now-a-days, all that is required is a vector art file of the logo character with call out color specs.
That’s right, one simply takes the logo art and prints it directly on to the aluminum sheet.
This type of direct printing to a rigid substrate is known as flat bed printing.
Once the logo imagery is printed direct to the aluminum substrate, then it’s simply CNC routed to spec.
CNC means it’s cut out along the perimeter following the exact vectored art outline.
What use to take weeks is now done in a day or two depending on how busy production is.
The best part is, the customer now saves money because the cost to produce art, silk screens and hand cut is now replaced with modern Sign making technology.
This type of job now cost about 70 percent less then what it would have cost if a Sign Company has modern Sign making tech.
Another bonus is the customer wins.
They now get something really cool and lot more appealing for a lot less money.
If you want to make use of new modern Sign making technology then give ole Larry here a shout.
There really is no limit to what you may do with flat bed printing now-a-days.
Heck, we may even print logo color silhouettes or full color imagery on sign face inserts.
After all, a Sign is your way of presenting your business or company to the community.
A way to let potential customers know what you do and who you are (if your not a National or Global well recognized brand.)
It’s a way to stand out, be seen, remembered and talked about.
Stats say a typical person needs to be exposed to your business name 7 times before it clicks.
With modern Sign technology at work, we like to think this is a lot less because of the amazing presentation value you get from having the coolest looking Sign on the block, so to speak.
If your looking for Sign ideas or want to know more about putting modern Sign technology to work for your Company then contact Signs West Outdoor today.
Until next Month, may you get the attention you deserve.