Want Your Signs To Get Noticed More Often Then Not?

Do you want your signs to get noticed more often then not?

Diamond Shaped Wooded Real Estate Sign

Something as simple as using different shapes for wooden Real Estate signs similar to this diamond style get noticed more open.

Did you know people are attracted to ‘ things ‘ which are different?

Have you ever thought about trying something new?

Want to get noticed more often?

Then take note to this Months news release.

As you see in the photo right here. This typical Real Estate wooden sign is in the shape of a diamond.

Now how many diamond shaped For Lease, For Rent or For Sale Real Estate signs do you see daily?

Probably not many if none, right?

Which is exactly the point here.

If you want to stand out and be seen more often you want to be different.

For example. Most Real Estate Signs whether they are:

  • Renting Apartment Space
  • Leasing Up Commercial Space
  • Selling New Homes
  • Listing Industrial Space
  • For Lease
  • For Sale
  • For Rent
  • Build to Suit
  • Coming Soon

All follow a similar look and feel.

Most are rectangular. Wouldn’t you agree?

So what if you wanted to stand out and get better results then your competitor or fellow land owner wouldn’t it not make sense to maybe try being a little bold and different?

Yes this maybe accomplish with use of reflective back grounds, lettering and such.

Yes this maybe accomplished by use of awe striking photos and visuals being printed on your sign boards.

However this release is aimed at showing you a easy way to stand out by simply having your signs and signage produced in odd shapes.

Say what you say?

Saying, be bold, be fresh, be different.

Take another look at the diamond shaped sign in the above photo on this Months release.

Now does this attract your attention? raise your curiosity a tad?

One would hope so or you may not be of human origin we say (hahaha).

Now imagine you got it.

You realized that a key to getting noticed means being different?

Imagine of you were one of the first to make a big:

  • Oval sign.
  • Triangle sign.
  • Round sign.
  • Any other type of geometric looking sign except rectangular.

Don’t you think people would do a double take?

After-all, it’s something they do not expect to see. Thus you just got their attention!

You starting to see the light?

How being different is a key form of attracting attention?

Or you could be like everyone else (yawn zzzzzz snarkle snarkle) and do a rectangle sign?

How about next time when you want to get notice more often then not you do something different?

Next time you want to lease up quicker, sell faster and gain more interest you do something different.

Another example.

You see all those offsite Home Builder Single Family 8×16 Signs lining the 215 around the Durango and Buffalo Exits?

Imagine if you spent a tad more and ordered up some BIG round signs and placed them there?

Sure we wouldn’t be responsible for causing wrecks or accidents however can you imagine?

Who would be the talk around town, at the diner table or at the club?

Would it sound something like this “Did you see those Larry Luxury Gated Community Home Builder Off-Site Round Signs off the 215?”.

Exactly, feel the buzz? or is it buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz around town?

Your competition wouldn’t know what to do. You just nailed them like a foul ball at a 51’s game.

You probably had to building a parking garage outside your development because of all the traffic pouring in? (A bit nuts yet it gets the point across).

So if you want to stand out, be different and want better results then contact SignsWestOutdoor.com today.

Sure, we may not be playing with a full deck however that’s a good thing because were different and you will be to.

Until next Month may you see geometry in a different light and get your signs noticed more often then not.

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