What Are The Top 3 Benefits For Using Blade Signs?

The top 3 benefits for using blade can be summed up as follows…

Blade sign in mall

Blade signs are easy to spot

With the popularity of factory outlet stores and strolling street malls being on the rise, there has been an ever increasing demand for blade signs.

And if you’re wondering what a blade sign is, then take a gander at the photo on the left, here.

A blade sign is a thin, double sided sign. And it tends to be rectangular in shape, and is attached perpendicular to a storefronts perimeter wall.

The sign maybe internally lit, non-lit, or even floodlit.

So, what so great about these types the signs? And what kind of benefits do blade signs offer?

The first benefit is blade signs are solidly attached to a wall

Which means they are bolted on or secured directly into a wall. And they are solid in construction or fabrication. Which means they are durable signs.

So why is this a benefit? Well, the main benefit is the blade sign is not hanging from a walkway or over head eve. And, therefore, it will not sway or get knocked around wildly in adverse weather.

And can you imagine, what it would be like, if you were strolling along, on the sidewalk of an outdoor street mall, and the winds were suddenly gusting up to 60 miles an hour?

Would you be worrying about an outdoor hanging walkway sign coming loose? Would you be ducking for cover? Or would you feel safer, if the sign along sidewalk, was not moving? Because it was securely attached to a wall?

Therefore, the first benefit is, you have a nice solid sign which is not going to create an added liability for your business.

The second benefit is visibility

Who doesn’t want more visibility for their storefront?

Imagine if potential customers are strolling along the sidewalks or on the streets of outdoor malls or even factory outlet store centers. And they just want to shop.

And what if they were able to quickly spot your retail storefront or salon or restaurant… in a glance? Will that be better for all?

Well, this may explain why blade signage is so popular.

They’re popular because, from almost any direction, your potential customers will be able to easily see your signs.

So, let’s say you’re store is located on the opposite side of the outdoor street mall -from which a customer is walking.

This customer can quickly spot your main storefront ID sign because it’s normally flush mounted above your stores entry way doors. And it’s visible to them from across the street.

However, what if a customer is walking along the sidewalk on your side of the street and there weren’t any blade signs?

Would they not need to know exactly where you’re located, ahead of time, or would they need to walk out in the street and look up to see your main ID sign to know where you’re located?

But what if you had a blade sign protruding from the wall, up high along the walkway, which made it clear that this is what you do or presented the name of the business. Wouldn’t this be better for you and for your customers?

Which means, blade signs coupled with main ID signs can create maximum visibility for all to see.

And you can spot a storefront now, from almost every direction. And this is a great benefit.

The third benefit is being double sided

Most mall storefront signs are single sided. Which means these types of signs are usually flush mounted to a storefront -above its entryway.

And, by being flush mounted, the sign is usually visible from a distance or can only be spotted within a 120° angle of ones line of sight, if that.

Whereas the blade sign is not flush mounted. It is mounted perpendicular to the storefront, as mentioned above. And it includes your storefront ID on both sides of the sign.

Therefore, taking into account both sides of the sign, you’re increasing you overall readable visibility to approximately 160°.

And if you take into account your double sided blade sign, along with your main ID sign, you’re most likely enjoying having a storefront being spotted from all directions, quickly.

Which means, these three benefits are ideal to have working in your favor. Don’t you agree?

But how come it took so long for blade signs to catch on? Well, let’s take a look at how these signs got their start.

Blade signs got their start indoors

Even though some establishments, businesses, restaurants, and retailers utilized massive protruding awning systems and grand ole style entryways, even with red carpets… dating back many many decades, if not more. The exterior blade sign is rather new.

Some of the first indoor blade signs date back to the old engraved style signs. Signs where restrooms were identified, and offices, and other types of services.

And these signs were usually spotted along cramped corridors and in office buildings.

However, they did catch on, and hospitals and airports and government buildings began to make use of these crude style, engraved, blade signs too.

And over the years they evolved. From a simple T-bracket that was screwed into a wall with screwed on engraving plastic… to modern, much more appealing, signage.

And nowadays they are more pronounced and intend to stand out 10 times more readily than they used to. Especially with the introduction of LED lighting and modern sign making systems. I mean, what would we do without CNC routers? Right?

And if we think back, and we were wondering where blade signs got their start, we may think that those old time “exit” types of signage maybe where it all started?

Maybe someone was looking at a bulky exit sign attached to a ceiling above a door and may have thought what if that sign were attached to a wall? And the sign could ID a drinking fountain or a restroom or the maybe a fire extinguisher?

Sort of makes you think, doesn’t it?

What do you think? Where do you think blade signs got their start?

Tell us what you think below. Leave a comment or take a guess.

In the meantime, if you’re looking to increase your exposure and get spotted more often, from all directions, then contact Signs West Outdoor of Las Vegas today.

And ask about the best type of blade signs which can benefit your factory outlet store or outdoor sidewalk mall location today.

Or check with your landlord or commercial property leasing and management group, because they may already allow or have a set of approved parameters for the types of blade signs which you may have fabricated and installed at your new location.

Until next month, may you increase your visibility and grab more customers with the blade signs today.

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