What Do Las Vegas Residents Unanimously Agree On?

Covered Overhead Carport Parking Stall ID Letter Numbering ID Signage

Legible Covered Carport Parking Stall ID Signage Makes It Easy for You To Know Where To Park

If you had one guess… what do you think all Las Vegas residents would unanimously agree on?

Well, if you guessed more covered parking spaces then you are correct.

Look, we all know that summer is fast approaching. And with summer comes the heat.

Heat so hot that the soles of your shoes may begin melting when you’re walking on the cooking pavement or even worse…

Your car. That’s right your car or vehicle may quickly start turning into a blistering baking oven when it’s left sitting in the sweltering sun in as little as 10 minutes.

But if you’re like most drivers, your vehicles will be sitting for much longer. Sometimes for hours, if not all day.

You may be parking at a gym, grocery store, park, mall, friend’s house or even work. And when you return to your piping hot car you may find it unbearable, if not hazardous, when you try to wiggly your way into the driver’s seat.

Plus, if you’re wearing shorts, it’s to late. Your skin may start sizzling…

And let’s not forget the toll that intense exposure to ultraviolet sun-rays will have on your vehicle’s interior.

Where even fine fabric seats begin drying out and become brittle, fast. Because nothing is really safe when it is exposed to intense heat.

But if you’re like most local Las Vegas residents, you’re probably already aware of what the desert heat will do to you and your vehicle.

So when you head out and arrive at where you’re going, you’re probably looking for a covered carport or garage or even a shady tree to park under… before scurrying off to where you want to be.

After all, who dare leave their vehicle exposed to the Vegas sun for any amount of time? Ouch!

So wouldn’t it be nice if more businesses and government buildings and commercial centers and parks would add more covered parking spots?

Or even add more trees which offer more shade on the parking lots.

Well, some existing and new developments are doing just that.

As you may see, in the photo above, this new medical center has flooded their parking lot with covered garage carport stalls.

And when you look closely, you will see that every third or fourth covered parking stall has the words “Reserved” on them. Which sure beats having them all been reserved, wouldn’t you say?

Where the covered stalls in-between the reserved one’s are lettered with numbers. These numbers may be used as a reminder to you to remember which row or aisle you park your car in, so you don’t forget where you parked.

And as long as it does not say “Reserved” you may park under that covered carport stall.

However many apartment communities that provide covered parking also have overhead carport areas that are sign number lettered to identify the stall.

And these multifamily communities assigned a certain amount of these covered parking to each resident.

If you rent a one bedroom you’ll probably be assigned one covered stall. If you run a two bedroom you’ll probably be assigned two stalls. And so on.

However the apartment community will normally post on-premise street signs that state… “This covered parking is for residents only and violators will be towed.”

And most of the time, you will see these ‘resident only’ parking signs mounted directly on the covered carport support structures -in plain view.

This is great for you if you live here however guest and visitors may be left to park in open areas, in the baking sun.

However, nowadays, many new multifamily developments are adding extra covered parking stalls for visitors too. And who doesn’t like that? Especially if you’re the visitor, right?

And with new covered carport parking structures comes signage.

After all, to be fair to all residents, employees, managers, professionals and business owners… each covered parking stall will need to be identified.

If not, and there’s not enough covered parking stalls available, it would be a free for all. Everyone would be gunning it to grab protection from the sun.

Which means covered carports stalls need to be identified. And identified clearly.

Because we all know what it feels like when our car or a vehicle was towed!

Therefore this requires a knowledgeable local sign company that understands the importance of properly placing and identify each and every carport or community parking lot sign.

After all, what if the sign letters or numbers are too small? Or the parking lot ID and private property traffic control signs have too many words bunched onto the sign face and you cannot read them?

Are you going to be pissed-off if you get towed because it wasn’t your fault you didn’t see or you were unable to read a carport or parking ID sign? Who wouldn’t, right?

So, as you may see in the photo above you may easily read the word “Reserved” and you’re able to spot the garage port letter numbering rather easily.

And depending on the community or development, you would be able to quickly see or notice whether or not you’re allowed to park under a certain garage stall.

Which means if you’re able to easily read which covered parking spots are OK to park under and which ones are not, then everyone’s happy.

And that’s the best possible scenario, wouldn’t you agree?

So if you’re a developing a multifamily or commercial development and you want your onsite traffic control, parking, and garage port ID numbers and lettering to ‘clearly identify’ what the parking rules are, then you may want to contact Signs West Outdoor of Las Vegas today.

Because, stating your rules clearly will help you avoid pissing-off people…

You may want to make sure that your onsite traffic control and parking signs are clearly legible and readable. This way you will leave no doubt in the mind of your residents or visitors as to what your parking rules are.

Plus imagine if you wanted sign design colors and layouts that tied in nicely with your communities or developments theme colors… verses using butt ugly, off the shelf, pre-printed parking lot signage.

And if you really care about your residents and visitors you may even ask for reflective overhead carport letters and numbers and signs. It would sure be hard to miss these, don’t you think?

So as the sun begins to bake upon another Las Vegas summer, now may be the time to make sure you’re covered parking is easily identifiable before the horrendous heat arrives.

Therefore, for good looking (installed straight) overhead carport sign lettering and numbering and even parking lot traffic control signs, contact Signs West Outdoor of Las Vegas today.

Until next month… may be as a cool as a cucumber.

If you have a comment or a sweltering story about your car baking experience, in the hot Vegas sun, then please share it with all, below.

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