Have you asked the question “where can I get customized social distancing floor stickers and decals?”
If you have, then you’re probably looking to do your part in helping to minimize infectious risk as a business.
Maybe you want to place custom branded floor stickers ever 6 feet apart at your checkout counters to maintain safe distancing among your customers?
Or maybe you’re a government agency, like the DMV, and you want to place the decals on the floor to maintain the proper distance of visitors while they wait in line -both indoor and out?
Or maybe you’re a business owner, restaurant chain franchisee, manufacture, retail store, or even a medical doctor looking to keep your staff, workers, clients, and hungry folk safe too?
After all, if you’ve been out and about lately or you visited a grocery store, then you may have been hard pressed to remember to stand 6 feet apart. Right?
After all, old habits die hard, don’t they?
Floor Decals Help Form New Social Distancing Habits
So to help form new habits, maybe on a recent visit to a local store, you scooted over to the checkout counter and noticed some bright floor stickers. Floor graphics which were placed there to remind you, instantly, to keep your distance.
And maybe you thought “hey, what a great idea.”
After all, were all wired differently.
At the same time, can you imagine if there were no floor decals there to remind to practice social distancing?
And you brushed right up to the next person in line? Not by choice, but by habit.
And they reacted feverishly at you for crowding “their” safe space?
Unaware you’re still use to waiting in line like you normally did. Well, join the club, we all do it unless were reminded or we slowly form new habits.
So those simple floor stickers are helping us form new habits. Which is good.
However, if you’re going to deploy custom floor stickers to help folk remember to keep their distance, you’ll probably want to get solid slip free decals, right?
Who Needs A Lawsuit If Someone Slips On A Makeshift Floor Sticker
Because who needs a lawsuit if someone slips on a makeshift floor sticker?
Heck, have you moseyed in to a local c-store lately? And if you have, did you see makeshift yellow or red spacing tape markings on the floor? Markings which quickly remind people to keep their social distance when checking out.
And if you looked closer, maybe you noticed that the edges of the sticky tape sides were curling up in spots. Because that type of standard tape isn’t designed to be on the floor and in heavy foot traffic areas.
Which means, one wayward folk waiting in line could snag a toe tip or even a heel on the exposed sticky tape edge, lose their balance, and slip, and fall, and seek damages.
Hey, it’s like you can win for losing right?
Slip Free Indoor Outdoor Floor Stickers Designed For All Surface Types
So, wouldn’t you want floor stickers which offers you a…
- Slip free over-laminate
- Custom contour cut shape
- Peel free edges
- Custom brand color printing
- Removes without damage to floor
- Option for indoor and outdoor use
And get the right adhesive substrate which works best on…
- Tile floors
- Smooth flooring
- Wooden floors
- Concrete (smooth or rough)
- Asphalt
- Stone
- Carpet
- Metal
Now imagine that.
Who would have thought that all these different types of floor sticker options were even available?
Custom Color Matched Floor Graphics Have Been Around For Decades
Well, slip free floor graphics have been in use for decades.
And up till now they were only in use for promotions, in-store branding, product launches, and at special events.
Which means, there’s no wheel to reinvent here.
Floor stickers can be custom produced and shipped quickly. Even custom Pantone Coated colors can be matched for finicky brands.
And the best part is, the adhesives work. The slip free surface lam protects you from oops. And all of it.
So if you’re wondering where you can get customized social distancing floor stickers, markers, and decals… wonder no more.
Just make sure you’re getting a slip and skid free over-laminate, and everything’s copacetic.
Signs West Outdoor Is Here To Help
And if you want, hey, Signs West Outdoor is here to help.
Call us today and talk with a floor graphic expert at (702) 879-8250.
Or fill out a request for quote form and hit submit.
And discover the ideal sizes which will work best for you.
Sizes that give you the highest yield of custom contour cut decal stickers out of a 25, 50, 100 yard roll of floor decal substrates.
Even ask about how to quickly clean your floor type surface first –which allows you to easily reposition the floor graphic on install if you lay it down cockeyed or off-center or crooked.
Plus, a Signs West Outdoor expert will make sure you have the right adhesive back for outdoor concrete, and sidewalks, and indoor smooth flooring, and all of it.
So contact Signs West Outdoor today.
And start doing your part by helping your business form new social distancing habits -fast.
Until next Months release.
May you stick-it, just right.