Why A Prefabricated Cabinet Pole Sign May Be Installed Within Two Weeks

Cabinet pylon pole sign

Notice how 7 sections make up this outdoor pole sign and how the sign height maybe controlled by removing or adding sign sections.

Have you ever driven by a new or existing development one week… and then when you’re driving by the same development, a week later, you’re suddenly amazed to see a towering illuminated cabinet pole sign completely installed?

And you think to yourself “How in the heck did this pylon sign get manufactured and installed so quickly?”

Or you may find yourself second guessing what you’re looking at, and you may think “Oh, how did I not see that last week?”

Well, we’ve all been there. Sometimes we’ll spot a new development, hotel, fast food, chain restaurant, large manufacturer, c-store, gas station or even a large multi-family urban community being built, along our daily or weekly drive.

And we may notice that some new developments may seem like they drag on for well over a year to build, while others seem to pop up over night? And you probably recall seeing one on a recent drive, now that it’s being brought up here.

Heck, wasn’t long ago, when spec’ing a job, near the South Point, off Silverado Road a pop up development caught my eye. You may have noticed some earth movers starting to break ground here too. And within a month or two there stood a brand new service station, out of the blue?

And what’s even more shocking… was spotting a brand new Starbucks suddenly appear out of nowhere? These two new developments sprung up fast. Even though another nearby development, which broke ground months before these two developments, was still under construction?

Which may lead one to start scratching their head. And wondering how these other new developments are being built so quickly?

Well, it’s not magic. How about we take a closer look and discover how some new developments seem to appear out of nowhere?

Do you see the photo depicted above? This is a prefabricated pylon cabinet sign. This illuminated pole sign actually is manufactured in 7 sections. And one of the sections includes an internal sign lighting system. And this sign lighting system was preinstalled -behind the large sign faces.

Which means, this towering outdoor pylon sign simply required a single pole support. And that’s it, because the sign was already manufactured. So once the sign pole is set to code in the ground, the sections of the sign are designed to simply slide over the pole and fit together –sort ah like Lego’s.

And just like that, the sign seems to appear out of nowhere.

You see, many national chains already have already contracted with vendors and GC’s whom have all the materials, canopy’s, glass, counters, coolers, spec flooring, interior equipment… and even main development ID signage which is ready to go at a moments notice. And be drop shipped to any City in the United States and even around the globe at a drop of the hat.

So by the time the new development breaks ground, the GC already has all the necessary permits, designs, subs and vendors lined up and ready to go. And they have their project management time lines set to churn these builds out fast.

After all, the building materials, internal furnishings, fixtures, signage and finishings are already prefabricated or pre-manufactured and ready to be supplied or installed on the exact timeline which is set by the GC. Well, baring any unforeseen delays or inclement weather -of course.

Thus, these “out of nowhere” new developments appear to be built almost overnight.

Whereas those long drawn out developments, which seem like they take a year or two to complete, are not comprised of prefabricated building essentials. And almost every item, going into their build, is a custom. To plans and specs.

For example, the onsite pylon sign depicted in the photo above was planned out long before the sign was even needed to be drop shipped in for installation. The pylon sign design was completed and approved probably before anyone even knew a development would be going where you see one now.

Can you imagine if this huge cabinet pole sign was to be produced from scratch, like almost all custom development signage is? Heck, this outdoor pylon sign would take close to 6 months to produce.

Thus, pre-manufactured illuminated pole signs can appear out of nowhere, because all they require is the permit. A hole to be dug. An inspection to take place. And pole to be set in a foundation. And this my friend, may happen within a few weeks.

So next time you spot a new development, which appears to rise out of nowhere, and is open for business in a matter of months… It’s not because crews are working around the clock or using magic wands to make the development appear. It’s because hundreds of similar brand or chain store  developments are being built nationwide.

There’s nothing new which needs to be designed. Most all developments are built to a similar set of plans and specs. Except for minor adjustments which may occur, based upon local building and sign codes. Some jurisdictions may require more landscaping? More parking? Greater setbacks? Even limits to sign heights and sizes? And these types of adjustments can be made fast.

Yea, this is Vegas. And yes Las Vegas has some of the most liberal sign codes on the planet. However, when it comes to prefabricated cabinet pole signs, most nationwide jurisdictions provide similar standardized sign codes. Sure some will be less generous than Las Vegas’s sign codes, however most national chairs, c-stores, gas stations, hotels and restaurants will be able to pre-order signage which meets a particular code… And they’ll be able to choose a national Sign Company who may pre-manufacture a set of signs which falls within the code well before a new development site is even chosen or ground is broken.

And if you may have noticed. The tall pylon sign depicted above has 7 sections. Thus, let’s assume another jurisdiction was limiting the pole signs height to the height of the building? This same sign could easily lose a few sections to meet those height restrictions.

Which is the beauty of prefabricated and manufactured brand and chain-store signage. Especially when an outdoor pylon cabinet pole sign is designed in sections. Sections which may be added or removed easily to control the over sign height. Gotta love the sign manufacture, and engineers, and architects who designed these outdoor pylon signs in sections.

Because, all a sign installer would need to change is the height of the main support pole…

So, may this insight be of value to you. And may you now know how some developments seem to appear out of the blue while others seem to drag on…

And if you’re looking for prefabricated cabinet pole signs or if you want one installed in Las Vegas, then contact Signs West Outdoor today.

Or if you have a question or comment? Then please share below.

Until next Month, may your outdoor pylon sign appear out of nowhere too.


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