Why Pole and Pylon Signs Tend To Cost More in Las Vegas.

Do you know why the same exact business pylon pole sign cost more to install in Las Vegas?

Pole sign hole being drilled by big drill rig

Did you know some pylon sign holes are drilled down over 10 feet deep?

Larry here, with this Months release.

Let’s reveal a secrete most national and global brands may not be aware of.

You see many fast food, hotel chains, auto related and restaurants brands to name a few, continue to expand into Las Vegas and Southern Nevada.

To an average consumer, you may notice a new big box retailer or new service station being constructed in your neighborhood.

Every day you may drive by and see progress taking shape.

Then one day you are surprised at how quick that new business was able to open. Right?

Heck ole Larry here, just witnessed a new fuel station go up down the street and open up in under 60 days!

However, what most of you do not know is the company or national brand that just expanded and came to town end up spending more money.

Yes, they spent more money to build the exact same building and install the exact same signage they just put up in Boise, Tempe or Denver.

Why? You ask?

It’s not because our labor rates or raw material building cost are higher.

No, No No. Want a hint?

If you ever look around Las Vegas and S. Nevada what is it we do not have that most all other Cities have?

Here’s another hint. When it rains what don’t we have?

Well, if you guessed storm drains the by gosh give yourself a pat on the back because you are right.

Go ahead, look around. You see any storm drains here?

What happens when it rains in S Nevada? Well the water rushes down hill and down hill fast.

From the 1980’s to now, our Cities and Counties have added washes and basin to redirect the water flow from flooding the Streets like they use to.

The point is, we don’t have storm drains on our streets because the ground is so dang hard!

Whereas if your in beautiful Colorado on a rainy day you see the rain water pour into the storm drains lining all the roadways.

So when a national or global brand expands to Las Vegas they tend to pay more for the same building and signage they just paid in another State.

All because our ground in S Nevada is like concrete.

Ever wonder why we don’t have have basements like almost everyone else does in other Cities?

That’s right. You see that photo up top on this release of that drill rig spinning a 3 foot diameter hole 10 foot into the ground?

Well. in Denver that same hole would take less the 30 minutes to drill.

Whereas in Las Vegas that drill will be grinding for close to 8 to 10 hours to drill the same size hole.

It’s no different then other types of signs that are going into the ground in Las Vegas.

It just takes a lot longer to install signage here because of our soil is rock hard.

Pretty cool insight, wouldn’t you agree?

Imagine that new fuel station having to dig 2 to 4 huge underground holes to hold massive fuel tanks for the gas station!

Imagine how much longer that will take.

However the good news in all this is, our signage and developments here will last a lot longer.

There is less rain.

There is a much less possibility for our ground to sink and shift and cause foundations to crack or our signs to lean, etc.

So even though it cost more to dig in so to speak it cost less over the long haul.

May you be enlightened.

Until next month, may your drilling of new pole and pylon sign cost be better understood.


One Response to Why Pole and Pylon Signs Tend To Cost More in Las Vegas.
  1. Jack Mulligan
    August 24, 2016 | 12:29 pm

    I had never thought about how soil density could change the price of installing a pylon sign. I’m not really sure what the ground is like in my town, but we do have storm drains, so it’s probably not as hard as Las Vegas. If I ever need a sign installed, I’ll have to ask them about the soil.

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