Why You Want To Use Mesh Banners Over Vinyl Banners When Possible

Want to know why you want to use Mesh Banners over Vinyl Banners when possible?

Hi Larry here with this months release.

Mesh Banner on Truss

Notice how nice this Mesh Banner stretches and presents itself without crease lines

May you find this helpful.

If you are in business or putting on special events you have probably ordered full color large format printed vinyl banners before, right?

Many still do.

After all, vinyl banners have been around for a long time, even before vinyl cutting systems hit the market in the mid 80’s.

Back then, even in Las Vegas, large vinyl banners had to be coated with an enamel receptive coating and then painted with one shot or enamel based paints.

Back then, this was all there really was besides massed produced silk screen banners or large drum rolled printed banners if you had deep pockets.

But times have changed and with change you have many more options for banner printing then ever before.

Which leads us to the main point. Why choose vinyl when you may have mesh?

For those who are unaware, vinyl banner material comes in weight.

Vinyl banner is measured in ounces. The higher the ounce weight the more expensive the banner will be.

This is key because cheap vinyl banners are usually printed on a  low weight like 8 oz or 10 oz stock. These cheap thin banners will not hang well or present themselves well because they are so thin.

Cheap banners also tear and shred fast in the wind but people still sell them while you think you’re getting a good deal.

Which brings us to the point, unless you are using a nice 20 oz weight smooth thick vinyl banner that cost a lot more then cheap ones then you will not be presenting your image very well.

It will be kinked, wrinkled and show fold lines like in photo on vinyl banner on this release.

However, if you go with a mesh banner (a banner with tiny holes in it) then it will be a lot more forgiving when it’s displayed, hung or attached to a truss like in the photo of the mesh banner on this release.

You see, even though mesh vinyl maybe be see through it still presents your image well.

Mesh banners allow wind to pass right through them and as you may have noticed, are not kinked or wrinkled.

Vinyl Banner on Building

Typical vinyl banner on building notice the how slight crease lines show

Sure you could go with pricy canvas banners or even fabric knitted banners but mesh is the best for large indoor and outdoor banner printing use.

Many of the local casinos, hotels and exhibit halls use mesh banners because of their versatility and clean appearance let alone wind load properties.

Go ahead, take a good look when your at the Fashion Show mall off the Las Vegas strip. You see those huge massive banners? Those are mesh banners.

Take a look at local construction sites with fence wrap graphics adverting coming soon or under construction. This is also mesh vinyl.

Thus, a little know secrete is to ask for a quote on mesh banner next time you want to display a large banner and you want your message, ad or image to look good.

Even when we get request for vinyl banners for trade show exhibitors we talk them into using mesh for their back walls on their pipe and drape systems because up close and personal who wants to see distracting fold, kink and wrinkle lines?

Go ahead, take  look at the mesh vinyl banner photo on this release. See how clean the image appears?  See how you may see through it if you look close enough?

The irony of this release is that still 95% of all outdoor banners sold are solid vinyl banners?

Why? Well maybe the banner printer doesn’t know the best option or maybe they haven’t read this release yet (smile).

In sum, if you want a good alternative to old mundane vinyl banners and you want your image to look simply awesome then ask us about mesh banner vinyls today.

Contact SignsWestOutdoor.com and talk to a banner printing expert today.

Find out why you want to use mesh banners over vinyl banners when ever possible.

Do note, even mesh banners come in different weights.

Remember, the higher the ounce weight the better the banner.

Good supreme mesh with last a lot longer outdoors then cheaper weighted options and solid vinyl.

Until next month, may your image be wrinkle free without kinks.






3 Responses to Why You Want To Use Mesh Banners Over Vinyl Banners When Possible
  1. Print Britannia
    July 25, 2021 | 8:40 am

    Your content is really good. I have learned more things from your content. I hope you provide us this type of content in the future.

  2. Platon Graphics
    March 25, 2022 | 10:02 am

    This is a beneficial article to inform me of the benefits of the vinyl banner over mesh banners. I do still believe there are instances that you should use mesh banners, especially since both have their advantages and disadvantages. Despite that, I still get your point of using vinyl banners more often as compared to mesh banners.

  3. Printed Banner
    September 6, 2022 | 7:03 am

    Interesting read! I agree with what you mentioned that having a wrinkling or torn banner would not make a good impression, especially if you are advertising something. The quality of the poster also affects the perception of the people who see it. What file format would you suggest using to print large banners that would be possible for any type of banner?

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