Will You Shuffle Your Feet This July 4th?

Celebrating July 4th Holiday Poster

Celebrating the spirit of July 4th with you -from near and afar.

Will you be shuffling your feet with excitement on July 4th?

Have you ever noticed your kids or your friends kids shuffling their feet with joy immediately after a wild volley of fireworks paints the starry sky?

Hey, we were all kids once and still are -in a way.

And if you’re like most of us, who can’t wait for darkness to fall?

To light off sparklers and marvel at the barrage of burst filled sky’s above.

July 4th is a great holiday where we all come together and celebrate.

From family and friends to co-workers and neighbors… what a good time to enjoy each others company.

So whether you’re hosting a backyard BBQ or attending a neighborhood bash, may the 4th be one of those awesome days where you get to relax with others too.

Because we’ll be relaxing along with you… from near and afar. And in the spirit of the day.

The spirit of gratitude for being free to do what we love -day-in and day-out.

And too share the fruits of our labor with others.

Until next month, may you shuffle your feet and be a kid again when the fireworks start to fly.

Have a wonderful July 4th holiday.

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