Wishing You A Fun Filling Labor Day Weekend

bbq grill

Signs West Outdoor of Las Vegas wishes you and yours a fun filling Labor Day Holiday weekend

As another hot desert valley summer draws to a close, we’re all looking forward to this Labor Day 2023 weekend.

Because Labor Day is… one favorite Holiday.

A Holiday weekend for all the hard working people who make our city and country a better place for all.

Where our crews and yours will be looking forward to this 3 day weekend.

A weekend where the BBQ grills will begin to sizzle.

While cooking up some savoring mouth watering meals.

Where kids, family, pets, crews, friends, neighbors, communities and staff come together for fun and games -and relaxing down time.

To share story’s while enjoying the moment.

And even get ready for fantasy football -as the season is upon us.

To talk smack and share laughs.

Or some may even sneak away to hidden hideaways to partake in some cozy comfort.

Yet, no mater how we all plan to enjoy this Labor Day weekend, it is well deserved.

As for Signs West Outdoor?

We will be closed from Saturday September 2nd until Tuesday a.m. on the 5th of September.

All orders and services will arrive and or be completed on the dates promised.

And if any of our crew members are out working on the Labor Day weekend, just know, they will get their due.

If they are completing an install or servicing an account as promised, then they will receive a paid 4 day weekend when we return to full staff after Tuesday the 5th of September.

In the mean time, the staff and crews of Signs West Outdoor of Las Vegas wish you and yours a fun filling 3 day Labor Day Holiday weekend.

Until next Months release… may your BBQ sizzle…

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