Wishing You A Happy Holiday Season

Happy Holiday Wreath

Wishing you and yours a Happy Holiday season full of good cheer and joy

Yes, if you can believe it, another year just blinked right by.

Seems like yesterday we were wishing you the same?

But, as you may know, if you’re a bit older, like ole Larry here, then you may agree that time seems to roll by quicker with age (shsss).

Yet, here we are, another year begone.

A time to reflect and give thanks.

A time to kick up the heels and flop down on the sofa.

A time to rest and enjoy.

And a time to coral with family and friends.

To relish the moment… and the fun times which are being shared this time of year.

Especially as we all get ready for the strike of midnight, to raise a glass, share a smile, and ring-in the New Year -ahead.

Because, as many of you may know, ringing in the New Year, Vegas style, is second to none.

So with that shared, we wish you great joy.

And as this year comes to a close…

Our team, and staff, and crews at Signs West Outdoor wish you the best this season has to offer.

We give thanks to you for your continue support and the challenges you present.

Because without you we wouldn’t be here -four decades later.

You give us the opportunity to do what we love, day-in and day-out, so thank you.

We’ll see you again next year.

Until then, a have wonderful Holiday and a rocking New Year!

From us to you… “Happy Holidays.”

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