May your July 4th Holiday be safe and filling and fun
Signs West Outdoor of Las Vegas wishes you a wonderful July 4th Holiday break
And well wishes for those who are aiming to get to the parks and gatherings early to begin your celebration while firing up the grills to those diehard July 4th firework enthusiast who may hardly wait for sundown
Even those heading out to Lake Mead to cool off while enjoying others company along with all the water sports fun Southern Nevada has to offer
A lot of festivities to choose from and a lot things to do
But the best part is, Las Vegas really knows how to put on a fireworks show
Shows which may be seen by heading to a local park to get right under the action of exploding mortars to jockeying a bit early to gain a front row view from on top of one of the many parking garage structures along the Las Vegas strip which provide for, probably, the best views in town when the local resorts light up the sky at dusk
Just a great time to be part of our local July 4th experience
And yes, there’s a good chance many of you will practice being mini pyrotechnics along your street or back yard
After all, it’s sort of a Las Vegas tradition
So have fun, grill away, and most of all let’s be safe
Because July 4th is one of the funnest Holidays to enjoy
As for Signs West Outdoor?
Our Holiday hours will be -closed on Thursday July 4th through Sunday July 7th
We will be back to normal on Monday a m July 8th
But certain crews will be in the field honoring commitments, install dates, and event set ups as promised
So with this shared, we wish you, and yours, and all a happy July 4th Holiday break
Until next months release
May your ewes and ahs echo across the valley at sundown