Would You Believe No Dumping Signs Are Still Needed Today?

Onsite Sign

Who would believe “No Dumping” signs are still needed today?

Back in the day, probably before some of you were born, America was facing a serious problem with highway litter bugs.

Whereas a litter bug would simply roll down one of the windows in their swiftly moving vehicle and toss out a load of their trash without a second thought.

Heck, you would be cruising along and next thing you know, you would witness this phenomenon.

Where the car in front of you would jettison their load and some of their trash, seconds later, would be careening off your windshield.

Yet this seemed like second nature to a litter bug.

However, all this littering was quickly turning the great outdoors into one ginormous trash dumpster.

Something needed to be done.

And done it was.

A national advertising campaign was hatched.

The campaign created a mass awareness of the litter bug problem and asked if we would all pitch in.

To pitch trash into bags inside our cars and not out the window.

Then later dispose our trash into trash cans either at home or at a fueling stations or…

And as everyone began to become aware of the problem almost everyone started pitching-in.

Heck, small cottage industry’s were born, where endeavoring folk began designing and marketing in-car ways to manage your trash.

Big companies even started offering free logo branded mini-trash bags to hang down from your cars radio dial, and all of it.

And it worked, people became aware of the problem.

Most everyone pitched-in to clean up their act.

Yet, as time rolled along, a new phenomenon reared its butt ugly head.

A phenomenon called “dumping.”

Because for some odd reason -we as people united around no more litter bugging, and the great outdoors became pristine again, people began dumping junk and trash on undeveloped land.

And as dumping grew into a big problem. With the irony being, did we really need to create a campaign for no dumping too?

After all trash was trash, right?

And wouldn’t an average person be able to connect the dots between littering and dumping -as being the same?

Hardly… we say.

Because, even when Vegas began bursting at the seams, back in the late 80’s, dumping was quickly becoming the new litter bugging.

Heck, if you would have driven down S Durango, when it was being cut into the desert-scape to eventually meet up with Blue Diamond, in the early 90’s, your jaw may have dropped.


Because at approximately every half mile or so you would spot a dumping area.

Areas which were full of debris.

You’d see piles of old mattresses, tires, barrels of solvent, sludge, garbage and even a bathtub or two (yes -a freaking bathtub)

However, no new national ad campaign was never created for “dumping.”

A way to create an awareness of the harm and danger which dumping was causing… let alone the nasty eyesore dumping projects.

So “No Dumping” signs became the only way to create awareness of the dumping problem we all faced.

The State of Nevada, the Counties, and the Cities came together to enacted strict dumping laws.

Laws which would hold those caught dumping accountable for their nasty deeds and acts of ecological harm.

And its working.

As you may see in the photo above.

The bright orange “No Dumping” sign serves as notice to any would be dumper that they’ll have hell to pay if caught.

And if you look close, you’ll see the NRS (Nevada Revise Statue) code printed right on the sign which makes enforcement legal.

Yet the irony is, as these no dumping signs go up, dumping tends to disappear.

Which means, maybe we humans just need to become aware of what we’re doing, and we’ll tend to make change?

Maybe the no dumping message circles back to the pitch-in campaigns, of days long gone, which cleaned up most of Americas littering problem?

Or maybe just creating the awareness of dumping as being bad and costly, if caught, is enough to tackle the current wave of dumping junk in the desert?

What ever it is, it’s working.

So if you’re starting to notice junk being dumped on your property or a new development area than grab one of these “No Dumping” signs at Signs West Outdoor today.

And help our communities shine brighter and cleaner in the days and years to come.

Get your no dumping signs at Signs West Outdoor right now.

Or simply call Signs West Outdoor at (702) 879-8250 and provide us with the parcel number(s) where you want your “No Dumping” sign(s) install at… and will get em up -fast.

It’s that easy.

So, order your no dumping signs today and let’s clean up the desert for generations to come.

Until next Months release, may pitching-in deliver you a cleaner land use for all to enjoy…

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